Chapter 42- The Kim family

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I stared outside the window.

I could see the clouds and sky turned red like a burning fire as the sun fell asleep and night greeting me.

I wish time would slow down.

I turned my gaze at my reflection in the mirror.


I stare at my dressed self in the mirror as I recalled how I'm in trouble.

"Milady!! Hurry you need to take a bath" aeruem said as she pulled me to the bathroom.

I could hear the maids in aeruem's authority as I got close to the bathroom.

"the perfume!!"

"Hurry add the rose scent to the bathtub"

"Her hair!!"

"Put the facial mask"


I ran inside the bathroom.

"Hey out! Go out! I can bath myself" I exclaimed

"But milady we need to prepare, you can't possibly do all of these alone-"

I gave the order and shooed them away without letting them reply back.

Sigh... Phew...

After few minutes of taking a bath, I wore the bath robe and put the face mask on. few minutes later of leaving the face mask on my face, I stared at myself in the mirror and debated if I should cover my face with makeup or not?

I don't want aeruem to be worried and also I don't want father to find out that I know how to fight. He might think the wrong idea.

I decided.

It's good that they left a makeup kit in the bathroom.


I went outside with the bath robe and all eyes inspect me and noticed my face.

"Oh milady you already started the make up?"

"Yes, you guys finish the rest" I replied to aeruem.

"Yes milady" they suddenly grab me and forced me to sit down infront of the mirror table while aeruem gave orders on what to do and they all started.

"We're gonna make you the most beautiful person in the party milady" one of the maids said and they all smiled at me but the look on their eyes were different that it seems that their eyes will gobble me up.

''Haha S..sure"

It's scary and they prepared well.

Is this what it feels like to receive the doll treatment?

I could see different expensive and luxurious accessories, heels, dresses, etc.

I only covered my face with powder to cover the bruises, they should finish the rest.

It's good to have experience in everything. Reincarnation is a cheat-like-ability.

"So milady we're going to wipe your face first" the maid said while holding wet tissues as she smiled.


''NO wait-" I tried to stop then but they already wiped my cheek where the bruise is.

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