Chapter 32- My Agony

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After that long talk, I decided to do a move master taught me and continuously kicked the punching bag.

Breath and focus all of your strength and force into your Spin to the foot and kicked it as hard and fast as I can.

The heavy bag teared up and was sent flying....

But As expected it causes all my strength and stamina just to send a heavy bag flying and it made a bruise in my leg as well. I need to adapt in this body. Because I forgot my memories and is already used to my life without fighting I got weak.

"Oho my apprentice is clever" Minhyuk oppa said as he ruffles my hair. I smiled as I huff.

"Ofcourse, it's because your teachings are so accurate" I said and we stared to each other for a minute and laugh.

"Oho ofcourse I'm the best" he praised himself.

Ah... Ofcourse, how could I forget that when my master receive a praise even on small things he become egoistic.

But I feel like I'm forgetting something. What was it?

"You should go home now it's late" master said making me startled.

HOLY CRAP!!! ITS LATE!!! I'm sure I will get an earful from aeruem!!!

I immediately packed my things and grab my bag but was stopped by Minhyuk.

"We should go together" he said while getting ready.

No.. what if father will see him? I can't let that happen yet.

"No thanks!! It's good to see you again master bye!!" I said and hugged him one last time and went on my way.

In the end master insisted and we took a bus. He said it's dangerous to be alone at night but I guess it's okay. This just means that we can still spend our time together. It was a long trip but felt short.

We arrived at the mansion and said our goodbyes. Because of the traffic we arrived even more late.

I really should prepare for an earful. I went inside and didn't expect to feel a murderous aura as soon after I went in.

Is it unnie?

I turn my head to the living room just to see aeruem and father sending glares at me.

If his eyes were knifes I would have been bleeding and died from blood loss.

Why is he here?

"Milady do you realize how late it is?" I flinched.

"Y/n where were you that causes you to be late?" Father questioned.

Crap!! Why is he here? Aeruem is already too much for me to handle but father..? Tsk why did I forgot to check the time?!!

I guess there's no other choice. I need to make some kind of excuse.

"I-i'm sorry, I was at a friend's house. You know I don't really have friends and he invited me for the first time *sniff*" I said as I faked a tear.

Is it working...?

Aeruem look at me pitifully but I guess it's not working to father. What should I do?!!

"A 'he' huh" father fumed in anger

What is it? Why is he getting angry.
As I stole glances at him I can't help but to think hard.

Aagh!!! What to do?!!! Why am I getting anxious?

"Y/n don't trust men easily" he said sternly.

"Do that apply to you too?" I unconsciously blurted that out.

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