Chapter 43- Long time no see

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I've been thinking about this since earlier... But it's actually advantageous for me that the Kims and lagres are enemies.

That damn son of a b*tch gilbert playing with my precious feelings!!?!

Father and taehyung noticed my shuddering shoulders and serious expression because of anger and annoyance... And they interpret it wrong.

"There is no need to be nervous" father said as he looked at me.

"What? Ah, o-ofcourse" I said.

"That's right!! Just tell me if someone's bothering you, I'll beat 'em to death" taehyung said enthusiastically as he sat beside me.

We were actually in the car preparing to go outside and Wow that is really consoling. I rolled my eyes internally.

I'm currently at the backsit of the car. To be precise I'm beside father and brother in the front with the driver.


"Thanks" I said to them. I appreciate the thought But I don't feel nervous at all.

If I'm feeling an emotion right now that would be excitement. My fist is itchy to punch a bastard's face, you see.

"You're my daughter. So no one will be able to look down on you. That's why being nervous is a useless things to do." Father said with his usual strict voice that seem different today as he look out the window. I wonder why...

But I actually don't feel nervous!!

I was about to retort when the cutted me off by leaving. They were waiting for me outside.

I took a deep breath and stepped out.

I could hear the flashes of cameras and lights as the red carpet laid on the ground infront of me.

But before the carpet there was the two person shining even more than the flashes and waiting for me.

"Shall we go..."

Taehyung offered his hand to me like a gentleman would as he smiled brightly like the stars.

"Ehem" and father faked a cough as he stood while offering his arm.

Heh! This is amusing. Why didn't you do this before this life.

I grab the offered hand with my right hand gracefully and stepped outside and slide the other to father's arm and hug it. This is for the image I wish to create and nothing more.

As I thought... This cameras flashing is blinding me.

Now, what I need to do is to act close to my brother and father and act as graceful as possible to not lose face especially as we are here in a party celebrated by the lagres.

This is also my first time getting introduced in society(in this life).

If they even found a single flaw of me, they would trample me without hesitations.

I just need to smile and walk and be graceful,

Because I'm the star for today.


"Kim Namjoon.., Kim taehyung and his daughter Kim Y/n are now entering."

'Oh my, this is the first time I will see his daughter.'

'Wait... have a daughter?'

'Yes.. I heard that don't favor his daughter at all so why did they come together.'

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