Chapter 23-Dinner

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I wasted money to that jerk. I didn't know that the Caffe were in was so EXPENSIVE!!! I just wasted my entire fortune.

Anyways, I went home and suprisingly Sir seokjin greeted me in the front gate with new maids? No wonder the maids are not indifferent on me, it's because they're new. I guess they haven't heard the rumors about me. The old maids must have been fired by father.

"Milady welcome home" they smiled and bowed at me in a line. This is wierd. Sir seokjin was here smiling. I heavily sighed. This is the first time I got this treatment and I'm not used to it.

"Hey young lady. Your personal maid is waiting for you in your room" he said bluntly with crossed arms.

All the maids stared at us in shock. Ofcourse who wouldn't? His manner of speaking disrespectfully to me when I'm the daughter hasn't change. Well we're not close and he hate me so it's reasonable for me but not with the new maids.


"She have something to tell you" he said while escorting me in my room. I halt.

Wait! She's not retiring is she? I run as fast as I can and slam my room door open just to see her dusting my windows. No sight of bags and she's still wearing the maids uniform.


I immediately felt relived.

"Welcome back milady" she said with a gleaming smile.

"Hey *huff* why did you run?!" Sir Seokjin who was trying to catch up to me said while trying to catch his breath. I ignored him.

"Sir jin said you have something to tell me. What is it?" I asked and placed my bad on my study table and sat on my bed.  

"Milady I got PROMOTED!!! I'm the head maid now!!" She cheered happily. "OH REALLY!!" I cheered with her but why suddenly? This never happened before. I look at sir Seokjin and he clapped his hands elegantly like a butler would. Suddenly aeruem stopped cheering with a serious face.

"Ehem.. Welcome back Milady. I'm the Mansion's new head maid. It's an honor to serve milady" she greeted me again elegantly.

"Yes.. please take care of me" I replied.

But I think it's good. She won't be overworking herself. Now that I'm thinking of it. Is it because of taehyung? he's the only one who know that Aeruem unnie is precious to me. I'm not thankful  considering he didn't help me in the past and sided with Aeruem.

"Oh right! milady, Mr Kim asked you to eat dinner with him and young master from now kn" she suddenly said making me froze.

What the hell-

No I won't go never!, Wait- what if he fires Aeruem or even secretly kill her if I won't go. I don't have the strength to protect her yet.

I panicked. No that's not gonna happen. Your overthinking y/n...

Bu what if?!! that can't happen she's the only person I have left. If I can't protect her in this life- I don't know anymore. I will protect and complete my revenge for the ones who hurt her, this is the only thing why I still choose to live.


*Few hours later*

I'm dying...

It's just a simple dinner why do I need to dress up?!!!

Few hours earlier. The new servants went in my room with set of make ups,sandals and dresses. The old maids wouldn't do this.

They have been fighting to what color of dress that would suit me.

"Milady you should appear beautiful today"

"Milady is born a beauty!!" The maid with short hair disagreed to the other.

"Milady this color would suit you the best!!"

"No! Blue suit her the best"

AAAAGH I want to die!!

"Hey!! every color would suit milady. Let lady y/n choose what she wears" Aeruem said. Phew she really is a life saver.

"This will be enough" I said as I pick

"This... is too simple but Great choice milady!!"


They did my light make up and I  was dressed in simple but elegant navy blue dress below to my knees with white long sleeves underneath and heels.

This is better than wearing those uncomfortable dresses but this is just a dinner why are they so caught up with it?

*Knock* *knock*

"Ooh that must be sir Seokjin" Aeruem said and the maid hurriedly opened the door.

Why is he here?

"Milady I'll be your escort" he said while leaning on the door.

While walking infront of me, He noticed that I can't catch up with him because of my heels, he slowed his pace.

Even if your bad I guess there's still good lays within you.

This is my first dinner table with father and brother that must be why they prepared it so well. If I am the old me I would be jumping around looking excited.

I laughed at the thought

As we walk in the quiet halls I could feel my hands sweat. As this is my first time, ofcourse I'm nervous. I might need to take indigestion peels after.

I saw the two luxurious big doors. Inside father and brother will be there. I break into cold sweat. Y/n you need to calm down. I exhaled deeply making Seokjin notice me.

"Don't worry. They're not the same before" he reassured me.
What do you mean not the same as before?

"Thanks" I said

"We're here" he knocked and opened the doors making lights flashed into me. It's been a long time that I went here that I didn't know they changed the furnitures in gold. It's so shiny.this is making me greedy. I want to steal them.

I entered and saw taehyung and father. They're so handsome that I feel like their shining along with the gold furnitures. Sir Jin stood with Mr. Hoseok behind father.

"I apologized for being late." I said.

I sat down in the right side of the table, far from where brother and father is sitting. Father stayed quiet. I know I will be ignored. Where did that tiny bit of hope come from.

"It's okay we also just arrived. Why don't you seat infront of me. hmm" he said smiling cunningly. You mean the seat beside father. It's annoying that I can't disobey and change my seat. He grinned ear to ear.

Is he that happy that I'll eat dinner here starting today?... No, it's obvious he want me to get closer to father despite of what I said to him the other day. This jerk!! He knows I hate him the most.

Aeruem ordered the maids to serve the food to us. The food looked expensive to the point I don't want to eat and ruined the designs. This is my first time eating this and it's a pity that I can't eat this happily. I feel like I'm going to suffocate to this uncomfortable silence on the dinner table.

Prepare my stomach for indigestion!!! I chant in my head.


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