Chapter 28- To care, to love

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I've been thinking about this the whole time.

Why did father slept with me last night?

That thought never left my mind even now, I'm eating breakfast with father and brother.

Aeruem, Mr. Hoseok and sir jin are still the same, standing behind father. Because of my staring, sir jin turned his head to me and noticed that I'm stealing glances.

I immediately broke the eye contact when he smiled at me.

Why is he smiling? Its scary.

Also I'm wondering why is there so many dishes?

Now that we're talking about food. I wonder what senior- master doing right now? I'm craving of his chicken soup. My eyes became teary.

I miss master...

"Y/n you need to eat alot from now on because your skinny" father suddenly spoke to me making me choke my food.

"SISTER ARE YOU OKAY?!!" taehyung asked me in shock and is ready to jumped in the table while father handed me the water.

"Eat slowly" father said.

Do I really look that skinny? And why are you caring of me all of the sudden?

Father handed me all kind of dishes when I'm already full. My stomach felt like it's about to explode.

"Y/n do you not like the food? Why aren't you eating what I gave you?" Father asked.

"N-no the food is delicious" I stuttered.

It's just IM TOO FULL TO EAT!!

"Really? I would have fired the chef if not"

It scary that your saying that with a smile.

I have no choice but to eat it all even though my stomach feel like it's about to explode any moment or the poor chefs will be fired just because I didn't finish the food. I think I need to take indigestion pills later And I almost forgot that I need to prepare tea for this afternoon.

I suddenly remembered that he don't like my tea but likes aera's cookies instead. Do I really need to grind and make my tea?

*Time skip*


What should I wear for out tea time?

After the incident where y/n is sick(fainted) I decided to not ignore her anymore. So spending(tea time) time in the garden is the best idea I could have. As they said the living is more important than the dead
But of course, lily is still precious and important to me but how could I meet lily again when I made our daughter in pain?

The moment she sick and laying in bed for a week, all I could do is blame myself for everything and I want to compensate y/n for all the pain she endured because of me.

Anyways, all I have are suits with different colors.

"Namjoon don't tell me your going to wear a suit?" Jin hyung laugh at me. I glared at him.

"Mr. Kim I can lend you some clothes if you like. Don't wear a suit, lady y/n is not your business partner" hoseok said to me while jin hyung is busy teasing me.

"Pfft.. hehe hoseok-ah let's do what girls always do. What is it called again? Aah Let's do a make over for him" jin hyung said ang grab my suit and put it back on my closet.

Seokjin grab me to the mirror while hoseok went out to get his clothes. I almost forgot that hoseok is a dancer and a model once before he became my secretary so of course he have better fashion sense than I have.

I'm his daughter || Namjoon FF || Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt