Chapter 4- she's evil all along

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My father held disgust and contempt expression. I froze and stayed at my place thinking on how to explain this until I heard a gasped.

"Are you okay?poor your pretty cheeks" Aeruem said worriedly and held her face. I snapped

"Dad this is a misunderstanding" I exclaimed

"I'm all ears" father said at his cold voice. Icy cold

"She dare disrespect me,'a' lady of this house and the head maid too. Because of her I smell like juice" I said emphasizing the 'a' because.... Aeruem is one of the lady too but I don't think this will remain two when the DNA test come out.

"But that's not the reason that you could just resolve this with violence" Aeruem said with her sweet voice

Making my father agree

"She's right how could you just do that to the poor maid" he said

"BUT!!-" he cutted me off

"Enough! I'm disappointed with you y/n" and he left after he order the maids to go now making me and Aeruem alone in the hallway.

What do I expect? Father is not on
my side to begin with.
I was stuck there and still standing until I heard her laughing.

"Pfft.... Your really pathetic"


"I know the moment I step in this house,I will be having fun" she said while chuckling to herself

Just who is she? And claim that she the biological daughter? Well I admit that she looks like father but there's no reason to be worried because I'm the real daughter after all, right?

"What do you mean having fun?!" I ask oblivious.

"Oh.. my dear friend I was just enjoying you in your miserable state" she said like a sadist. The innocent girl that I saw earlier is gone. It makes me angered.

"Who said I'm having a miserable time and don't call me your friend. I will never acknowledge you" I said to her loud and clear.

"Kekek well that's too bad then let me tell you a secret-" she leaned to my ear

"Your father is a fool" she whispered. I pushed her hard enough for her to be on the ground.

"How insolent !!" I yelled at her.
How dare her insult father. She should be thankful that she can stay here.

"Let me remind you this y/n, I'll take everything you have one by one" she said before the maids went to her.

"Lady y/n!!! Why did you push her?!" A mere maid yelled at me.

"Heuk I just want to be friends with you lady y/n. Even if we're not blood related I want us to treat each other like sisters" she sobbed. The maids look at her with pity.

"We'll go now my lady" the maid said with a glower face.


"Why have you called me father?"

Currently,I'm at father's office. This is the first time he called for me and I'm happy.

"I heard that you pushed Aera today afternoon" he said

"Father that's-"

"You already caused two commotion today. I understand that you are not happy with the child but as Aera said. you shouldn't solve things with violence"

"But father that is-"

"Enough y/n! I don't want to hear your excuses. You may leave" he rebuked

I bowed a little and left



Here's another chap for my lovelies.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote or give you feedbacks on the comments🙌

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