Chapter 31- Start of Training

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"What took you so long to remember" he said while forcing himself not to cry.

That was the first words he spoke to me as he hugged me. So it means he's waiting for me? he didn't forget me. I'm really happy Right now that it's making me don't want to let go...

"I'm glad your safe" I said while sobbing.

"Safe ....*sniff*.... my ass!! I'm the one who's supposed to be saying that. don't ever dare sacrifice yourself again for me. Why did you even come at that war anyway?" He asked,almost snapping.

Ofcourse, who wouldn't be angry when you suddenly go at where the war occured without permission. I admit that was a careless decision of mine.

"I'm just scared that I will lose you. Don't you know how dangerous that was?!! You might even get killed!!!" I said as I hug him tightly.

"And the result is, you almost died. I thought I raised a smart student. Tsk tsk" he said in disbelief.

He wiped his tears and let go of me.

"Ok now, now stop crying, you crybaby you still have your revenge do you?" He patted my head to suit me.

"Yes your right and I'm not a crybaby!! You are!!" I exclaimed

"Just for today..." he replied

We talk and catch up for all those years. He also cooked my favorite chicken soup. He didn't change at all. he's still bad at cooking but his chicken soup is the best. It's nice to talk to him again. I didn't know that he's been looking for me in 100yrs.

"How did you even find me anyway?" I asked.

I'm surprised that he found me in 100yrs in this vast world. I'm lucky that he even found me. if I didn't saw him, my memories wouldn't have triggered and I'll live my life ignorant.

"I didn't found you. I sensed your presence. I guess fate put us together" he chuckled.

Right.... Fate must be on our side.

"As much as I want to catch up with you we still need to plan your revenge. I'm still angry on what they done to you especially your father." he said in his cold tone.

Oh. So he knows my pathetic state.. Now that my past memories are back I totally forgot about my revenge. Minhyuk must have known how I lived in my current life...

"But I'm not heartless enough to not give your current father a chance when he's started to change. I hope he won't do what he did to you in your last life after I let him saw the dream of the future" He said.

[A/n:about the dream namjoon had after y/n's rebirth(referring in chapter 10)]

"I don't really care about father. I just want to focus on aera because if she didn't come to my life this wouldn't happen" I said.

"Then we wouldn't meet" he replied.

"Yeah but I'm still angry at her. The thought of my mother figure die by her orders make me mad"

"Oh" he suddenly remembered something and grab me inside his house to the stairs. We went inside a room where there are complete tools.

The moment I went inside, the smell of rubber linger in my nose. A gym with complete tools. He even have types of pecker knife, guns and a ring.

He handed me the gloves.

"Now try punching the punching bag" he said. I touched the punching bag and its hard. It must be sand but oh well Im strong.


I take that back.

Why is this body so weak and skinny?!!! In my current body there's almost no muscles. In just one punch it bruised?!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I teared up as my hand felt numb.

"I know you'll be weak but I didn't expect you to be this weak.where did that strong y/n go?"  He said, teasing me.

"EVEN IF IM WEAK IN TERMS OF STRENGTH!! I STILL HAVE SOME TALENTS LIKE BREATHING IN THE WATER FOR 10 MINUTES!! AND I STILL KNOW HOW TO THROW DAGGERS ACCURATELY!!" I yelled,not accepting I'm weak but what I said is correct. I was an assassin in one of my past lifes so I can shoot daggers accurately.

All this time I've been dependant on tools when fighting. If I just spend my time in strength training I should have been strong by now.

"Here" master handed ma an ice pack for my swollen fist.

"Y/n, we need to replenish your strength and stamina so here's what will you do,

do 100 push ups, 100 sit-ups, run 100 laps(1km per lap) and eat high protein and low-fat foods also do what I thought you in the past. I heard jungkook confronted you today. You have to be careful because considering the 'you' today, you can't even land a punch" he said in a serious manner.

Is he that strong? Who is he anyway?

"He's one of the leaders of the 5crews, Azure and rank 5th in rankings of the strongest in the country. His nickname is Mad dog."

Did I think out loud?!! And I didn't know that the school I'm entering is his territory?!!

I know the moment I saw him, he's strong. He's a Worthy opponent too. Well well he will be my first win. I grin.

"I know what your thinking but your too weak for now. You can't possibly win against him." he said as he stared at my eyes.

"Your like a new hatch snake that is ready to be prey by any bird" he continued.

"That's why train me again"

To be a stronger than anyone else...


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