Chapter 10: You are naive aren't you... A'Blaze?

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Firey chose to stay. Leafy needed support, due to having to argue with what he assumed was Four in her head. But...
Problem was
She didn't know it was him. The voice sounded just like her. Acted like her.
Was her.

Leafy couldn't make out who was standing in front of her anymore. Everything was blurry, and she heard someone calling her name, but she couldn't pin a name to the voice. It was like she didn't remember anymore.

"Leafy? Answer me! Can't you see me?"
"Finally that other voice shuts up. About time. Anyways, how many fingers am I holding up?"
He put up two fingers, and Leafy answered that it was too blurry to notice.
"Oh. Well then, do you know who's in front of you..?"
"I'm clearly obvious. The blurry eyesight shouldn't affect the colors. I'm clearly orange. Don't you see that?"
"But.. all I see is blue."

"It's finally working! Yes!"
"Four, I hate having to keep leaving and faking going out for a walk every ten minutes.. Leafy really is in trouble.. you should stop.."
"No. She's going the right direction I want her in, X."
"Some would like it though. I'm putting them into consideration."
"Really? Name several people who like Leafy."
"Firey, Pin, Coiny, ME!"
"Sure them, but who knows if they secretly hate her?"
Four managed to keep control for a while. Leafy could hear him only, but in her voice.
"I'm sure no one hates her!"
"You sure...? It seems like before Firey hated her for stealing something he honestly deserved.. and Pin probably became friends with her just to gain more stuff to make fun of her for. Coiny is probably doing the same. Your truly the only one who likes her as a actual object. Wow. Your alone on this one."
Leafy heard all of it, and she ignored Firey's past requests. She put the thought into consideration... and when he tried touching Leafy's shoulder to ask if she was okay, she slapped it away.
"Shut. The. F-ck. Up."
"What.. it seems your not okay.. want to tell me?"
"What?! What do you mean by that?!"
"You don't see it? You all are probably being friends with me in the first place to just get more comedy routines out of me. Isn't it."
"No! I love you truly, and always will!"
She knew who was in front of her now.
"Then why'd you do it. Keep your stupid reputation when you clearly promised that I'd be first priority. Not some stupid reputation. Am I wrong?"
"No your not wrong.. Coiny pushed me and I stupidly gave in. I'm sorry."
"Oh... but 'sorry' is not gonna be enough this time... Firey."
"Well now you know who is in front of you.. can you see then?"
"No. Still blurry.. but I can tell based off your comment earlier. 'I love you'."
"I'll leave you alone then. I'll send Pin in later."

-----In Leafy's sleep when she passed out later-----
She woke up in a blank black space.
A green figure was shaking her awake.
"Oh great! You're finally up! I need to show you something!"
"It was life before, okay? No need to get upset with me! Haha-"
"I'm already upset I have to deal with a joyous naive leaf."
"Not nice! I don't know what happened back there, but you sure are a killjoy."
"Does it f-cking matter?! Just show me whatever you were gonna show me."
"You're no fun- fine. Let's see if this darn thing even works."

"There we go!"
A projection screen popped up. It was when everyone didn't want to be friends with Leafy, when the start of BFB happened. Firey shunned her, and she was being toxic on team BEEP back then.
"See that? That was old us! We used to be so positive, even when everything was downhill all the time! What happened to that?"
"Went down the drain, I guess."
"No, you rejected it. You don't want to stay positive because of this stupid disease you were given. Give in to your positive side, me! Plus, it was only one incident, and your acting like you hate Firey now..."
"Is there a 'but' side to this?"
"Great question! Yes there is! Now continuing where I left off- BUT! You truly love him inside, don't you? He's proving even now that he can be worthy of our love! I love him still! Can't you love him too?"
"He f-cking broke the promise. Why should I be all lovey dovey with him?!"
"Because he's giving you all the care you didn't give him the past couple days. Suree he knew you 'hated' him, but he still kept up his smile like we did before, and he even kept caring about us, even if we didn't do the same for him. He's cute, and sweet. Perfect package! So how about you break out of this little phase and-"
"Fine. If you need help, don't come running to me. You rejected it, you don't get it, dum dum."
"Wow sooo hurtful I wAnNa ChAnGe My MiNd!"
"Don't kid around with your original self..."
"Welp. Time for you to wake up. I didn't have enough coffee or the patience to listen to someone who rejected my help yell at me. Byeee-"
Leafy woke up. Pin was sitting in a corner, waiting for her to wake up.
"Pin, why are you here."
"I wanted to check on you, that's all. Firey said your mood wasn't going up with him talking to you, so I'll talk to you myself!"
"Bring. Him. Back. LEAFY DON'T YOU DARE-"
Pin left the room, attempting to accomplish the request. Firey entered a few minutes later, with some chocolates in hand.
"Uhm... Hi. I brought chocolates if you wanted any."
"I am hungry... Might as well. NO HE COULD POISON YOU!"
"I promise this is poison-free alright?"
Still nice to see her nice self is still there.. Firey thought.
Leafy ate up the chocolates faster than Firey expected.
"Did they starve you?!"
"No. I did eat something a couple hours ago. She won't admit it tho."
"Who's she?"
"The voice won't admit it was good. She was talking for me the whole time."
"Big oof-"

A couple hours later, Firey was chatting with Leafy until the voice showed back up.
"Yeah well you need to take your stupid a double s out the door. Don't be rude to him! He was at least trying to help. I don't give a f-ck. I still hate him. Why? He's being nice, and I might as well forgive him then- OH H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS NO! YOU CAN'T JUST FORGIVE HIM AFTER BEING JUST NICE TO YOU! AND WHY NOT?! ITS NOT LIKE YOUR HELPING! LISTEN, IM HERE TO MAKE THINGS WORSE. HES FAKING IT. I KNOW IT. JUST THINK ABOUT THE SEVERAL TIMES HE WAS RUDE TO YOU IN THE PAST."
"But she forgave me for it-"
"Yeah! He forgave me for stealing without thinking, so I figured I should forgive him for being rude and forgetting me all these years!"
"Not like it's gonna stay that way."
"I'm gonna keep it like that, Leafy! I promise-"
"You are so naive... aren't you, A'Blaze?"
"I'm only here to make the process go faster, and that's why I hate you. He only wanted this to go right, for him to extend his power a bit, don't you know? But yet YOU ARE STOPPING HIM."
"WHY ME?!"
"Because he doesn't care about anyone. He chose her because she had the most trauma, and without her mood pills, she'd be really depressed. SHE IS DEPRESSED, HAHA SECRET OUT! SHES BEEN BUYING MOOD PILLS BEHIND YOUR BACK!
Evii: Sorry if this was a long chapter, and the song at the top was a fav song of mine for the past couple days, and reminded me of Leafy a bit. See you in the next chapter!

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