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'Hurry up' you alien we are going to be late on our first day. I can't wait to meet my kitty, Jimin yelled to his cousin."

"What the hell do you mean you can't wait to meet your kitty, have you forgot that we all hung out just yesterday infact we are all together every single day. But from the way you talk it sounds like you haven't seen him over a decade, Taehyung says."

"You wouldn't understand alien because it's human and you are an alien. You wouldn't understand human emotion called love."

"Love my foot, you have been pining over my best friend for over 2 years now and he don't even acknowledge your presence yet here you are lovesick over someone who doesn't return your feelings. Sometimes I wonder if you are a masochist since you love pain so much."

"OK first of all fuck you Taehyung, I thought I was your best friend and second it's not my fault if your friend is one dumb motherfucker. I mean seriously I have been dropping so many hints but that stupid cat doesn't get anything. And third the only reason he doesn't return my feelings is because I haven't confessed yet and once I do he will accept me I mean who won't, I am cute, handsome, sexy. He should feel lucky that the great Park Jimin likes him. Even if he crosses seven oceans he won't find someone like me."

"Ugh overconfident much and you know you are my soul mate and yoongi is my best friend and aren't you getting late now."

"Oh my God look at the time we are going to be late and it's all your fault you stupid alien."

"How the hell is it my fault, you are the one who started rambling about your nonexistent love life you dumb mochi."

"Yaah take that back if you don't want to die".

"And how do you plan on killing me you midget?" Talk me to death".

"That's it you are dead Kim fucking Taehyung. Today is your last day on earth."

And that's how world War three started between two friends in an apartment overlooking the Seoul skyscraper. And this is how every morning starts in this apartment for the past two years since
both the cousins decided to move in together.

Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin are cousins. Taehyung was only ten years old when his parents died. His father ran a multi billion dollar business empire which Taehyung will inherit when he turns 21. It was a big blow to Taehyung when he lost both his parents at such a young age. He became reserved and depressed. He would have completely lost himself if it wasn't for his Uncle and Aunt. They took his responsibility and cared for him like his own parents and then there was Jimin.

Even though Jimin was the same age as Taehyung and didn't understand why he was so sad it didn't deter Jimin from trying to be his friend. Even though Taehyung barely talked and was not interested in anything Jimin was saying, he was always there. Jimin never left his cousin alone. He became his strength and his biggest support. Jimin along with his parents brought Taehyung back to his old self. They became his family.

So even though he misses his parents he isn't sad anymore because he got an Aunt and Uncle who loves him more than their own kid, a fact Taehyung keeps reminding Jimin to piss him off and he got Jimin, his cousin and his soul mate who understands him without words, who always has his back and with whom he can share all his problems with, who accepts him warts and all without any judgment. Jimin is that friend who will kill for you and die for you and Taehyung considers himself lucky that he has not one but five friends in his life who would do anything for him and he would do the same for each of them.

You can say that Taehyung is very passionate. He loves with a passion and he hates with a passion. He has five friends who have been with him since kindergarten. They grew up together, went through all ups and downs together. People came and people went but these six always stuck together. No one could come between them and no one could separate them maybe that's why they call themselves Bangtan, impenetrable just like their friendship.

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