Marvel [Peter Parker]

Start from the beginning

"It's been three days," Peter says

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"It's been three days," Peter says. "She has to be somewhere!"

The Avengers have been working nonstop ever since Peter came to them with worries about YN. A few hours without any contact would normally be nothing, but this was YN they were talking about. She never went anywhere without making sure her phone was fully charged or without her back-up emergency battery, and she never failed to text Peter in advance if she was going to be away from her phone.

"Relax, kid. We'll find your girlfriend," Tony says as he and Natasha scroll through various camera feeds.

"Don't call her my girlfriend," he mumbles distractedly. "She's just- she's more than that." The room seems to freeze at Peter's words.

"Kid," Tony starts, blinking in surprise. "Please tell me you're not secretly engaged? Pep's going to be really hurt if you proposed without us there to witness it."

"What? No!" Tony's the only one to exhale in relief while the others just look amused. "YN and I.. it's just.. she's mine and I'm hers. She says the boyfriend and girlfriend terms sound so juvenile."

"Well she's not wrong," Natasha muses right before giving her attention to the camera feeds.

As Peter goes back to pacing, the others go back to their screens and tablets to try and figure out where YN can be.

Right as the sun sets, JARVIS startles everyone. "Sir, Miss YN's phone has just pinged. I've sent her location to your screen."

At JARVIS' declaration, the room is suddenly in a frenzy. Once Tony has the location and Clint grumbles about that being just on the opposite side of the city, everyone disperses to get suited up. Thor is off-world and Bruce opts to stay behind since he didn't want to unleash the Hulk in the city, so it's only Peter, Tony, Steve, Clint and Natasha going.

Tony flies, Peter swings, and they leave Steve, Clint and Natasha scrambling for a vehicle to drive themselves. Tony has to prevent Peter from rushing into the warehouse YN's phone is still pinging from when they get there, and instead they send off drones to scout the area while waiting for the others to arrive. What they find leaves Tony both scoffing and sighing in resignation. It's what he expected.

"Amateurs," he mutters.

"Heavily armed amateurs," Peter frowns.

"Look on the bright side, kid. At least we know YN is still alive and unharmed."

"Yeah, but she's strung up with chains around her wrists in the middle of the room. Who knows what they subjected her to before we got here."

"Well she appears to be in good health. Just looks exhausted."

Peter huffs. "I'd be exhausted too if I- wait.. what's today?"

Tony shrugs. "I don't know. What does it matter?"

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