𝟎𝟐|| 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬

Start from the beginning

Then I heard voice that I really didn't wanna hear "Alina! Wait!"

God no, day just started and I need to deal with him already.

"What do you want Michael" I said with too much tiredness of him in my voice.

"I just want you to listen to me", he said with gloomy look. I just frowned. I don't want to waste my energy on him. He then grabbed my arm when I wanted to turn around and walk away.

He tightened his grip when I tried to pull my arm back. "Let me go, what are you doing?!"

"Look, you never—" but someone's punch on back of his head interrupted him.

"Bitch, she said to let her go."

He bent down holding his head with pain on his face. Then he turned around and saw Arabella standing behind. Smile grow on my face, I love her to death.

"You whore! You two forgot who my father is", he started walking closer to Bella but she stood there fearlessly still with anger on her face.

She smirked, "And you forgot that our brother has him on his leash."

Mari came back with Bella to have her back and with intense face observed situation im front of her ready to jump in. Don't let her sweet words and innocent look fool you. She is really good fighter, like her uncle. He as I mentioned, works with us.

She called me to come and stay by her side.

Bella continued, "One more time bother my sister, it will be my pleasure to show you my skills with knives. If thats not enough, I will let Leo know what you did... and with one call you and your father will live in cardboard box", she threatened through her teeth walking closer to him.

She gave him one last smirk, "Choose wisely."

Michael just looked pissed at us, took his bag and walked away. Thank God we didn't make scene, no one heard what's going on and they went to their classes.

"You alright?" Both of them asked and turned to me.

"Yes, thank you but I don't need your savings like that. I could deal with him", I said while hugging them. I need to learn how to stick up for myself.

Bella just shook her head and followed me to my classroom and we finally separated.

After two first classes, I met with Mari and Bella behind school where we usually hang out. We saw Gio and Sofi approaching us.

"Hey bitches" Sofi said with smile and kissed all of us and then Gio greeted us as well.

"Where have you two been all morning?" Bella asked when Gio sat across us and then Sofi on his lap.

"I could not wake up for first class, and then we met and went to drink coffee and decided not to go on second one." Sofia said while taking cigarette and lighter from her bag.

I continued conversation, "You are lucky because you don't have sister to hysterically wakes you up every day."

Arabella opened her mouth offended "Yo, you should be grateful for me. I save your little ass today and hundred times before that."

I rolled my eyes. Yes, she is right but I feel so useless and weak because my siblings do all that hard work and don't let me go near anything. Always being my guards. But I don't blame them. I know in what world we are living and understand their worries.

For that weak part, I'm responsible.

Gio looked at us while sharing cigarette with Sofia, "What happened today?"

"Michael happened," Mari answered with bitter expression on her face.

Both of them sighed with annoyance when they heard his name. "Lina I just want to know why your pretty ass was with that idiot." Sofia started.

I laughed while they had rant at Michael.
Then Bella changed the subject "Hey, yall want to come to our house for lunch after school?" I also supported her question.

They all agreed and them Sofi put her attention on Marianna and we all know what she wanted to say. "Well Mari, maybe this is the day something gonna happen", she said with grin on her face.

Arabella smiled while taking cigarette from Sofia, "Yes, please hook up with my brother already." She said sarcastically.

Me and Gio couldn't hold laugh anymore while Mari blushed from these two dragging her.

"You and Massimo are on and off for years." I said looking at her with scrunched eyebrows and heartfelt words. I think they are perfect for each other. She brings him out from his pessimistic mind and world.

She looked absent, "It's not that simple."

We all frowned. "What is not simple about that? You two are in love literally forever."

She just shook her head. We all gave each other 'its time for us to get involved' look.

I really want to see my brother and best friend happy. They deserve it. As far as I know for myself, they had something but they never actually dated. He doesn't look any other girls, as well Mari doesn't allow other boys to touch her.

Day went by very fast, Michael didn't even looked at my direction. Finally. And it's time to wait for Massimo to pick us up. Our friends are staying at our house today so it's going to be fun.

We waited few minutes, until we saw Massimo's Audi R8 pull up. It's gonna be interesting when he sees Marianna.

  Give me thoughts on this chapter!! Do you see Marianna and Massimo together?


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