𝟎𝟏|| 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

Depuis le début

"Alina wake up! If Massimo comes and see that you're not ready, he will throw you in the fucking pool!" Hysterical voice of my sister woke me up from much needed sleep. I'm listening to her entire morning.

I ignored her couple more minutes, until she began to throw pillows at me. I let a frustrated groan, trying to cover my face. Gosh, she's unbearable.

"Okay, stop, I'm up!" I told her still rolling in bed deciding should I go to school or jump from window.

"Well it doesn't look like you are," she said while preparing to do her makeup. We always get ready in my room for some reason and she leaves horrible mess that I have to clean up.

Still sleepy, I tried to stand up. "Ugh I just can't spend another day hiding from Michael." I started while rubbing my eyes.

He is my ex, also my first boyfriend. We were dating just because he is some kind of a family friend and we knew each other since childhood. His father have some small business in town so my brothers made deal with him, just because he was desperate single father that looked for job. I broke up, I just didn't feel like I enjoyed that relationship anymore.

He's still not over it tho.

Arabella immediately rolled her eyes and turned to me, "Aren't you tired of running from him and his convincing to get back together? Just stop being nice and say get the fuck away from me"

I just sighed and got out of the bed. If that was easy like that.

I'm going to be so late. And that about Massimo throwing me in pool is not that much unrealistic when I think about it. So I started getting ready.

"Yeah, of course you are not going to do that. But don't worry sorella, your big sissy is here to save you from that annoying idiot." [translate: sister]

I heard her while being in bathroom and washing my face in rush. With laugh I responded sarcastically, "Oh what am I going to do without you next year"

"I wonder the same thing sorella. Just don't forget that you are Marchetti and fight back. We all ruled that school."

I hated when any of my siblings started on that topic. I'm just asking myself why I can't Haneke situations like they do. And constantly taking about it remind me of how weak I am.

All those rumors about us being associated with mafia, scary Marchetti siblings that no one wanted problems with... all of my brothers went to that private snob high school and now only me and Bella are left.

And then. Shoot is heard.

I run from bathroom to see Arabella confused as I am. "The fuck?" She said.

Usually, my brothers don't do anything in house. So, is it them?

"Call someone to check who is it." I said while getting dressed.

She then took her phone to call one of our brothers. "Si, pazzo?" Alessandro picked up and she then turned the speaker on. [translate: yes, crazy one?]

Arabella rolled her eyes at nickname. "Okay, idiota, I will pretend I didn't hear you. We heard a gun being fired? Is that you?"

"Yes, it was me and Emilio. Don't worry, we took care of it. Go to school you will be late. And eat something." He hang up.

We sighed. "Of course no fucking explanation." Bella said irritated.

"You except Ale giving your explanations?" I laughed.

He love to keep everything mysterious and not telling anyone anything. And not justifying himself ever.

I put on some white jeans, nike vintage sweatshirt and jordans. Hair in high pony, my favorite rings on and without any make up because I don't have time for breathing right now.

"Andare! I'm not waiting even one more minute", my wonderfully patient brother says while hysterically knocking on the door. [translate: come on]

Arabella opened the door to stop him from yelling and annoying knocks. "I'm ready but you need to wait for your baby sister. And you are gonna break the door one time, damn chill."

"Just go in the fucking car Bella I really don't have time for arguing with you this morning." he says, leaning on the door frame while looking in the room for me.

Arabella made fake pout and tilted her head, "Oh no, that's my favorite part of the day!"

Then innocently smirked and run downstairs. He just rolled his eyes walking up to me.

"Lina, car, right now", he was pissed like every day. Not really a morning person but he always had job to take us to school. After many incidents, we don't trust drivers.

"Bene, bene, i'm coming!" I said while putting stuff in my backpack and running down following him. Probably forgot half things but I really don't care right now.

I didn't saw any of my brothers downstairs, they must are working already. Except Emilio, he probably sleeps.

I don't have energy this morning to stop Arabella and Massimo from fighting in the car. Whenever they are around each other... it's chaotic. After short ride, we finally came.

Could not wait to get out. But I had to open Arabella's door and pull her out cause they didn't finish their argument. "I'm not done with you!" she said while finally cooperating with me and getting out.

Brother just sent her 'yeah right' glaze and drove back home.

"Okay chill, y'all gonna kill each other one day" I said while walking to entrance. All people were in school already, just some lazily walking in.

She looked me and rolled her eyes, "Well I can't stand him sometimes and im not being quiet when he acts like an asshole."

"And you know he's not gonna be quiet either.." I said

She followed up on my statement, "And that's the problem."

"There you are, my favorite sister duo!" We heard familiar voice just before entering school.  And of course, that is Marianna walking towards us with arms ready for big hug.

Bella and I both excitedly greeted her "Mari!"

She is our really good friend, her uncle is in business like my family so he works with Leo. Other people at school are kinda afraid of us. Our brothers left pretty much horrific reputation. Everyone knows that we are in some dirty works and don't want to be near us.

So my sister and I, stick with people who have their family involved in mafia. Like Marianna, Sofi and Gio.

"What's up girls" Mari says with beautiful smile. She was really gorgeous girl, with long dark blonde hair and radiant green eyes.

"Ugh you know, the usual. I'm pissed because of Massimo and really wanna skip class today."

Marianna looked at Bella with smile because she finds their arguments funny like all of us. "Just get the driver license already!"

"You see, I went one time and failed. Then Alessandro started to give me lessons and let me tell you, he is a terrible teacher." Bella said with annoyed face.

"Didn't you almost killed yourself and Ale because you didn't saw a tree in front of you?" I asked her remembering the real story when Alessandro came traumatized and yelling that he's never going to sit in a car with her again.

She made even more annoyed face. "That's because he is a bad teacher!"

We all laughed while standing in hall preparing to separate. They went at one class and me at another. Bella and Mari have almost all of their classes together because they are two years ahead of me.

We said our goodbyes, I took books that I need for math.

Just when I turned around, I heard voice that I really didn't wanna hear ever again. "Alina! Wait!"

                          𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞!
I know is kinda boring but I'm trying to introduce you with all characters slowly. don't forget to comment and vote!


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