White Robes

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"**** ******" i cursed realising how late i stayed up yesterday, explaining how  satisfied i felt by the conversation i had Sunoo to Ji Eun.

It almost felt like i won.

I quickly grabbed my empty school bag and filled it with my karate cloths. Scraping my teeth as fast as i can, i quickly washed my face.

No shower today. I was freaking late for my training.

I sighed and tapped my feet when i noticed that i missed the  bus. A boy stopped his bike in front of me. "Y/n?" Heeseung said removing his helmet. I immediately hopped in his bike while he looked as if i was some kind of mental patient.

Well i agree, i would Have looked like  one, but i had no choice, coach would kill me if i was missing this training.

I have been neglecting my training, who knows what she might punish me with. Realizing that i had atleast a few minutes before i can reach the stadium, i sighed a huge relief. Phew.

Heeseung, geez he saved me.

"Can you please drop me to the karate stadium?! Please!! I'm late!!" I said as fast as i can while Heeseung smiled.

"Karate stadium? Sure" He said handing me one of his helmet. Lucky me.

He drove at the speed of lightning, I'm pretty sure my hair flew all over the place. I had no choice but to grab the hem of Heeseung's jacket with both of my hands for support. If i fell, i knew this would look ugly.

Heeseung noticed my  hands on the hem of his shirt. "Are you planning to fall?" He asked through the piercing sound the wind made. Sigh, well i had no choice.

My hands slithered around heeseung while my herat skilped tons and tons of beat.

Why was i having K-drama scenes these days? But my hairs kept irratating me, they either snuggled near my ear or were flying around my eyes. I huffed so that the little creatures i meant hairs would stop. Just stop.

We finally reached near the stadium, "Thank you" i quickly thanked him before running to the stadium but i stopped in my tracks when i heard Heeseung mumble "I want to go too"


"You bought the hoodie man here?!" Ji Eun whisper shouted at me. "Dont tell me your dating behind my back" She pinched me with a frown on her face.

"We are not and by the way where is coach?" I winced,  Ji Eun's pinches hurted a lot. I Noticed the absence of our coach while Ji Eun sighed . "You never check your phone do you? All the coach of all kind of matrial arts have a meeting, you brat" she scowled while i nodded, well i guess today was my lucky day.

I was kinda lucky these days. I smiled to myself.

"Hey! Didn't you notice some kind of grudge around you?" Ji Eun smirked "What is it?" I asked while she chuckled pointing to the cheeky girls, who rolled their eyes at the sight  of me.

"Grudges are always surrounding me, what is extra ordinary about it?" I sighed before rolling my eyes at the monkeys too.

Were they the only one who could roll their eyes?

I noticed the little kitten who smiled as soon as he saw me. I mouthed 'if he ate or not' but the boy seemed confused, smiling a little wider he mouthed a i dont know something like 'thank you?'

Heeseung appeared behind Jungwon and tapped him. They seemed comfortable around each other.

Did they know each other? Well i suppose they did, looking at the grin pastered on these idoits.

But surprise struck me when Sunghoon seemed to appear from no-where. He joined the other two before glancing at me and waving a hello to me.

I waved back, while the other two seemed puzzled at our interaction.


After 1 hour

"Lets take a break shall we?" Ji Eun huffed as she collasped on the floor, i nodded landing on the same floor while facing the white ceiling and blinding lights above us.

"Ahhh!" A heard a familiar voice and loud laughters that followed behind. "Jungwon!! Stop!!" This voice, seemed somewhat very familiar.

Wait Sunghoon?

I turned to see Sunghoon desperately trying to set free from Jungwon's grip while Heeseung seemed to enjoy the view.

"Hey!! I am your hyung!" Sunghoon raised his voice while Heeseung chuckled. The scene caused all the other students to look at them. "Oh my god that good looking man is being beaten" "Aren't they an eye candy?" I heard other girls whisper.

Suddenly Sunghoon started shouting "Y/n!!!! Save me!!! Y/n!!!!" Sunghoon wailed while i dropped my head low.

"Y/n!!" The ice prince  (Dont ask me how i know about it 😑 i found everyone in our school calling him by this name) screamed while Jungwon griped Sunghoon even harder. Heeseung no longer chuckled but looked somewhat calm and dark.


After I saved Sunghoon

"Here!" I handed Sunghoon pain reliefs "why did you come here anyways" I sighed sitting next to the well-beaten boy who smiled. "I missed you so of course i came...arent you glad to see my handsome face again?" Sunghoon smiled while i snorted.

I literally had to stop Jungwon from squeezing the self praising brat by grabbing and separting them both. I don't know what happened to the cat, He seemed so furious.
Heeseung holded Jungwon, but Hee  himself was confused of Jungwon's sudden out burst.

"Well to be honest, I kinda saw you with Heeseung earlier" Sunghoon continued applying pain reliefs on his wrist. "I felt like I should come" Sunghoon sighed.

"Why do you even bother?" I asked removing the pain relifs from his wrist and carefully appyling it on his arms.

"Because i like you" Sunghoon said staring deep in my eyes.


Bye guys!! I'm clearly confused of whom i should you know.

Lets just say that Heeseung has a bike, i gifted him one 😉

Anyways more updates on the way 🚗!!

Till then stay safe and tuned for more okay?

And i love×10000 to read your comments!!! I'm glad you enjoy the chapters, make sure to rest well!!

-ily guys🙆

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