Chapter 1: The final straw

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Now that this is out of the way this chapter contains some !bad language! and I'm so sorry about that.

Now please enjoy! :)

----------------------Percy's Pov:------------------------

We had won the war. Everyone celebrated, they hugged and cried and yelled in triumph as the war that had so plagued us had finally been dealt with. And yet, no matter how happy everyone around me was, I couldn't find it in myself to even pull a smile. My body was so tired, my skin was littered in open cuts and bruises and yet these were nothing compared to my mind. It was scary how much damage could be done in that place, both physically and mentally. It was almost like my every thought was a mystery box with it having a 50% chance of bringing me back to the memories of down there.

It was awful, from the air that made you feel like you were choking on nothing, to the "water" that burned through me, even now I could feel it. It was almost like my shadow, constantly following me and always a bitter reminder of my time down there.

Annabeth ran up to me with a smile and tears in her eyes. She didn't stop to look at my expression as she pulled me in for a tight hug. I had been lucky enough to save Annabeth from my same fate. I had managed to hand her off to Nico in time before my hand slipped. I wrapped my arms numbly around her as I held her close. She was laughing in relief but I couldn't bring myself to do the same.

This was the beginning of the end for my time at camp half-blood. There were many moments where I could try to pinpoint the decline of my time at camp but to me, this was truly where it began. From this moment on my eyes were opened to the people around me, or rather, what the people thought of me.

It was a slow decline at first with people running to me for their problem but never sticking around long enough to listen to my own, then it came to only talking to me when they needed help with rebuilding the cabins. Of course I was happy to help and I wasn't expecting anything in return but was it not human decency to ask if someone was doing okay? To genuinely talk to me other than asking for favors. It was annoying, aggravating even, and yet I couldn't stop myself from saying yes, it was almost like I was in trance. This slow decline only furthered when I noticed the seven or rather who was left since Leo had... the six also started doing something similar, with Jason only asking for help with researching the different obscure gods, Annabeth only asking for me to bring her meals while she sketched new buildings for olympus, and Frank and Hazel practically stopped talking to me since they were at the other camp, they were all busy. They had lives unlike me, important tasks that didn't require them to risk their lives constantly or leave camp for months on end. I was happy for them, but it hurt to know I was so easily thrown to the side when there wasn't a war going on.

It all really became clear the week my dreams had become way too severe for my own good. I ended up skipping a couple meals at a time, not once in the 3 days that I didn't leave my cabin did I get any sort of human contact. Not one person visited me, checked up on me. Nothing. Though one night, one night it really was too much. I had woken up the next morning with my throat sore from screaming, my arms covered in scratches that I'd done in my sleep, some being deep enough to draw blood. I knew right then and there that I needed to talk to someone, if I didn't I knew I probably wouldn't survive much longer.

The only person who came to mind was Nico. He would understand what I was going through, plus he really hadn't been all that busy recently. So I had pulled on a hoodie to cover my scratches and I made my way out of the cabin for the first time in three days. The sun was bright at first, blinding me temporarily as I tried to hastily look around. I noticed some campers talking around me and I may or may not have listened to a couple.

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