Chan's backstory pt 2

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-Bold words from a 8 years old.

-We grew up faster thanks to you. The only oblivious one is Chan. That's not a bad thing. He fights with the trauma better than us. That's why I am gonna protect him.

-We just want him to become what he is meant to be.

-And I want him to become what he deserves to be.

-And what is that? A soldier? Top spy? Hero? Killer?

-Happy... He deserves to know what happiness is. You're not gonna keep us here forever.

-Is that a threat?

-You have no power over me, BamBam smirked. I know the rules. We didn't sign anything and the contract says both parents need to agree. I'm sure you didn't went to Thailand to search through the cemetery after my father. And my mother's signature has no meaning alone.

When BamBam exited the white room, he saw the other kids making way for two adult spies approaching.

It took him a moment to realise who were they before seeing Chan basically sprinting towards them.

-Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?

-It's the day they announce the leaders, said Chan's mother crunching down to look in her son's eyes.

Chan smiled at her, then took both of them by the hand and led them to BamBam. The latter was beyond terrified of them. He constantly looked at the floor trying to avoid eye contact.

He stayed silent and tensed until Chan's father told him he is allowed to speak.

-Is this your friend, Christopher? the woman asked.

-Yes! Chan replied excited. He is BamBam. We are always together.

-Is that so? Does he have high ranked relatives? his father asked.

-Not really. His father died and his mother is in Thailand. He is alone. Well...not anymore. He has me.

-Is he stronger than you? the man added.

-I don't know. We never fought each other, answered Chan clueless of the purpose of the questions.

BamBam squinted his eyed, in his mind ringing the same words as Chan was talking: "I'm so dead".

He couldn't stand the silence anymore, so he gathered the courage to speak up.

-Nice to meet you! I assure you I will never be at Chan's level, but I will try to have his back anytime. I know I'm not the most fitting person due to my modest origin, but I won't let go of my friend that easily.

Afraid of Chan's parents yelling at him, he took Chan's hand and ran away in the crowd. "I just digged my hole" he mumbled to himself.

The men in red climbed the stage to announce that year's leaders.

The first one to be chosen was Namjoon. Nothing surprising. He bowed respectfully with a confident smile. Everyone knew he is a great leader.

- I knew it! shouted Chan happy.

He was jumping in expectation while BamBam was holding his hand tight.

Next one was Yeji. She was actually the first girl to be ever chosen as a leader. She didn't show any emotion tho.

Then it was Soobin. He didn't expect it. No one did. He was left speechless, wondering what in the world had he done to deserve it.

After him, Hongjoong's named was announced. He was happy, but he was collected in his gestures.

-Who is that? asked Chan feeling bad for not remembering him.

-Kim Hongjoong. His parents are known for not refusing any jobs. They do everything. From stealth to murder and tentative. He is just like them. He does everything he is told, said BamBam looking more and more concerned.

"And these are all the leaders of these year" was the statement that hit the crowd like a lightning strike.

-There is no fifth? asked Chan stunned.

BamBam let out a breath he was holding, but the moment he relaxed he sensed someone's presence behind them. He tightened his grip on Chan's hand and aim a fist to one of the institute employees.

They said they need to talk to Chan and BamBam knew something bad was about to happen.

-It's fine. I'll be back in no time, said Chan walking away with the men in red.

Chan was taken to a separate room, surrounded by the employees, trained killers.

-Come here, Christopher, his father demanded.

Chan did as he was told without saying anything.

-Do you know why you didn't get chosen as a leader?

Chan shook his hand scared.

-Because one year ago you made a terrible mistake. No mistakes are allowed for a leader. So you have to make up for it, he said putting his hand on Chan's shoulder. I didn't sacrifice this much just for my child to be a failure.

That broke Chan's heart into pieces. Hearing that from his own father while his mother was watching. His whole world just lost its sense at that point.

-To become one of the leaders, you must kill your greatest weakness. And I think you just introduce him to us.

-What? asked Chan feeling his hot tears streaming down his face.

-The boy you hang out with is useless. And for some reason, you seem to care for him. That will keep you behind.

-You're too kind, Christopher, his mother finally spoke. This will turn against you one day. You get attached to people easily, even calling them family. Family is only the bloodline, son! Never forget that! Without us you're nothing.

-You're lucky your parents are high-ranked. We could arranged for you to be given another chance with such a simple task. Just kill the boy. It's not like he has a family to miss him.

Chan sneaked in the middle of the night in BamBam's room.

-They told you to kill me? asked BamBam anticipating everything.

-I don't want to be a leader, said Chan through the sniffs.

BamBam wrapped his arms around the boy and patted his back.

-I would rather die by your hand than by their hands, he said. Now, why would you cry for me?

-You are my brother. I love you.

-You don't even know what love is, Channie.

BamBam smiled weakly while saying those words. But it was true.

He knew his fate and yet he chose to stay with Chan that night. It was like every other night. With just an exception: neither of them fell asleep.

They just talked and talked and cried.

So it's definitely gonna be a part 3 and maybe a part 4. Apparently Chan has a very much long story to tell.

You have to understand Chan's parents were forced to have him, so it is natural to want some results from him. It's just the way they were raised.

Thank you for reading!

8 sips of Wine | Stray Kids AU fanfiction حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن