Finally they realised they've been staring at each other for long, they quickly averted their gazes, still wondering what to say or do. Khadijah decides it's best she leave there. She didn't see the use of standing there waiting for him to explain what he doesn't want to talk about.

"Where are you going?" He said making her stop in her track.

"I'm going home, where else?" She said eyeing him.

"Won't you wait to here what I have to say?"

"There's nothing left to be said Ahmad." She smiled sadly and left him there in a state of shock as well as disappointment.


"Would you like to have something?" Nadiya asked.

"No thank you." Zaliha replied, making a soft sniffs.

"Even water maybe?"

"No thank you Nadiya. I really don't feel like having anything."

"I'm sorry for whatever happened to you Zaliha and even though you're not in a state of discussion, but what is it that really happened between Ahmad and you?"

"Nadiya, I've loved Ahmad so much. He was once the person I couldn't live without. You remembered how much I used to talk about him all the time right?" Nadiya nodded sadly. "How we call each other everyday. How we chat lots. When he's the only one I always thought about..." she let out a sob again and Nadiya hugged her so tightly to ease the tears, even though it's not possible.

"Zaliha that's enough. You won't say anything again." Nadiya said sternly, oblivious of the tears coming out of her own eyes.

"Nadiya you told me I was busy wasting my time falling in love at my young age. You said you don't believe in it as it will lead to heartbreak. I should've listened to you." She gave a short laugh and one will quickly know it didn't reach the heart.

"Zaliha, whatever was not meant to be, was never the perfect thing. So please stop worrying about it. You're acting like a kid here and you're supposed to be the matured one between the two of us." Nadiya tried lightning the mood and she successfully made Zaliha smile.

"We all know I'm forever the matured one as you act childish most of the time." Zaliha said with a chuckle and Nadiya laughed, glad that her friend cheered up.

"Are you better now?" Nadiya said with seriousness having done with the laughter.

"Yes, all thanks to you." She replied and gave Nadiya a hug which she reciprocated.

While Nadiya was busy hugging Zaliha, thinking about the whole incidence that happened today, she became shocked, realising that Ahmad who is Zaliha's ex-boyfriend is none other than Khadijah's professor Ahmad!

Now how will she be able to tell Zaliha about it when she doesn't know if Zaliha still has a tinge of love for him. She made Zaliha not to open up to her because she's not in a good state of discussion. Even though Zaliha and Khadijah are good friends, she's afraid if either of them knew about who Ahmad is for them all, it will lead to mar their relationship.

She didn't pay attention to Khadijah but she's sure she is in a bad state. Khadijah is the jealous type and knowing Ahmad had a girl he once loved, and is still in love with since he showed it, she will never forgive him and accept him. She might hate the person he loves too.

She remembered when Khadijah talks about nobody but Ahmad. In spite of the fact that she loves Ahmad, she still didn't tell him. She feels sad about the incident because not only did it break Khadijah's heart, it also did to Zaliha and Ahmad which led to three hearts being broken. She knows Khadijah is one of those who open up, so she's sure she will tell her everything that is in her mind. Even though Nadiya doesn't know how to face her, considering the fact that Zaliha is her friend and she equally supports her as much as she supports her cousin too, but she have to.

Just then, Zaliha spoke, breaking Nadiya out of her train of thoughts.

"Hmm?" Nadiya gave an absentminded hum.

"Nadiya, what are you thinking about? You didn't even hear me yet you're so close to me." Zaliha uttered, feeling concerned for her friend.

"I wasn't thinking about anything. So what were you saying?"

"Are you sure?" Zaliha asked again.

"I'm very sure. Please don't worry about me, I was just distracted and that's all." Nadiya tried assuring her worried friend which she succeeded at.

"Okay then. So I was saying how about the man you saw at school today? Are you telling mom about it?" Even though Zaliha doesn't want to bring the topic, she decided to, judging by the way Nadiya got lost in thought, she's sure she's thinking about what happened earlier and is now feeling sorry for her.

"Hm about that... I don't know honestly! So much has happened in our lives already and the last thing I want to do is to make her worried." Nadiya replied. She also wanted to tell her mother everything. In fact she has promised her mother not to hide anything from her, even littlest things, which makes Nadiya suspicious but she didn't think too much about it.

"You're right. You shouldn't honestly." She said with a smile and Nadiya smiled back.
"Okay I should go now." Zaliha uttered while standing up.

"Alright." She opened her wardrobe and brought her veil to wrap around her.

Just when they left Nadiya's room and are leading downstairs, they saw Khadijah heading to her room and when she sighted them, her eyes darted to Zaliha and she gave her a sharp glare before heading to her room and banged the door, which led the duo to flinch at the severe sound.

"Oh my God!" Zaliha whispered and her face puzzled like that of a student struggling to solve a mathematical equation.

Trouble in paradise!

The chapter was so long I had to split it into two and now... it's short!😂

What a twist!🙃
So Ahmad wasn't a good guy after all (we don't know his reasons though).🌚

Do comment and vote please... thanks while you do☺️

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