Oh right my phone.

"Sorry. The meeting took longer than I anticipated and it was so cause you were running errands. Lieutenant wanted an update on the case by the way. My cell was dead by the time I got out so I had to leave it be and recharge it here" I informed.

With my dead phone, I took full advantage of the situation last night, indulging myself in the case. I was so immersed in what I was trying to figure out that I became oblivious that the morning sun peeped into the open, chasing away the darkness. At least my phone resurrected and on the bright side, I discovered that Brian's parents have been declared deceased. Reports states it was a fatal accident. Oncoming truck had a brake failure and completely destroyed the vehicle with Brian's parents. That was a year ago.

"Quinn.... we're going to find her, ok?" I glanced up at him. That's why he's my partner. We're practically brothers.

"We have to..." I massaged my temples in exhaustion and sighed. James walked over to my side, and nudged my shoulder.

"Come on, let's get something to eat.." he suggested to which I happily heeded. I switched on my phone whilst simultaneously walking out our office.

I acknowledged the officer at the desk, Judy, while scanning through the missed call notifications from James but one in particular drew my attention. There was a voicemail from Logan which surprised me because he has never done that before. So I'm assuming it's something important. I listened to the voicemail intently-

"Hey Quinn.... its Logan. Can you come over? I need to apprise you with something. I think I know where Yolanda is. Don't ask me how, I'll explain everything when you get here. Just please get here quickly..."

I halted at the door, processing what I just heard. I replayed the voicemail again, ensuring that my ears didn't deceive me.

"Quinn? What's wrong?" James asked, eyeing me worriedly as I still stood with the door wide open.

"Change of plans...." I said, retrieving my car keys from my pocket while hastily walking towards the vehicle.

"What? What do you mean?" James asked with confusion laced in his words, standing by the passenger door.

"Let's make a visit to the Matthew's residence, shall we?" I jumped into the driver's seat, with a perplexed James beside me and drove to our next destination.

"You really think Logan knows where she is? I mean, how did he get ahold of that info?" James questioned as I parked by their driveway. I briefed him about the voicemail and even gave him my phone to listen to the message himself.

"I'm not drawing any conclusions yet. Let's question the boy and we'll see..." I stood on their porch but before I could ring the doorbell, the door was suddenly thrown open, revealing a pale Mr. Matthews.

"Detectives, we were just about to call...." Mr. Matthews sighed in relief upon seeing us, opening the door wider for us to enter. James and I exchanged a look.

"Mr. Matthews? Why did you want to contact us?" James asked curiously while Mrs. Matthew along with Daniel and Susan joined us in the conversation.

Mr. Matthews smile dropped as he glanced at his wife in concern.

"So you don't know where Logan is?" He asked in hopeful anticipation. My brows knit at his question before replying.

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