"You never have time for us dad. You're always working. Even those who work, create time for their family but you hardly do." Hikmah pouted at her father.

"No dear, don't say that. I also feel bad for that but what can I do when patients out there need my attention? I can't just leave a dying patient and come here to spend time with you." Her father tried to reason with her but Hikmah is not giving in. In fact, he got tired with this argument that he even sent his wife a sign to help him out, but she was busy laughing at him that she couldn't do anything about it.

"Well, family first. So I've decided that you will..." her father interrupted her when Umar came in.

"Hey Umar my son, how are you?" He stretches his hands towards his son as if he wants to hug him. When he came forward however, he merely pat him on his back and made him sit next to him. Umar greeted his parents and they reciprocated with a smile, leaving an upset Hikmah all by herself.

"Dad! You shut me up!" She cried and her father panicked. He's scared of Hikmah's anger. In the family of Alhaji Buba, if there is anyone they are scared of her anger, then it's Hikmah. Alhaji Buba himself feared her wrathfulness. Though she's a cutie and all, but she sure knows how to get away from everyone and everything. Umar is the only one who deals with her when she acts naughty. He makes sure to save their parents from her troubles. He won't lie too she gets her way with him. It sometimes annoys him when they pamper her so much. It's not like he's jealous or envious, he's just not getting why they won't talk to her when she's been naughty. Is it because she's the last born?

If you have any idea about being a last born in a nuclear family or even an extended one, and how they get pampered all the time, the way they will just wish for something and it will happen in no time, then it's Hikmah to her family.

Hikmah got the privilege that her family is easygoing. Had it been she's in a no-nonsense family, she wouldn't have lived with such spoiled behaviour she's showcasing.

"No my dear, I didn't. I was giving Umar some attention because, you know, I've not seen him for long. So what were you saying?" Unbeknownst to them, Umar and his mother are capturing them with their phones. The drama between Dad and Hikmah is just hilarious. They're always creating drama in the house.

"I said I will forgive you only when you take us all out." She folded her arms and frowned.

"Is that all? Then let's all go." He stood, not even hearing where they're going to.

"Wait dad, you didn't even hear where you're taking us."

"Does it even matter? All I care is that I'm forgiven."

"Alright everyone, get up. We're going shopping." Hikmah exclaimed and looked towards Umar and her mother's side, they immediately dropped their phones and hid it under the pillow so as not to be caught by Hikmah.

"What?!! Shopping?!" Her father exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Yup. We're going shopping."

"But my dear, I can't go shopping at this my old age."

"Off course you can. You're fit after all." She said. Umar was getting tired of their talking and he couldn't wait till it's time to go to school, even though it's funny. He glanced at his watch carefully, not to drag Hikmah's attention. Unfortunately luck wasn't on his side, because Hikmah has seen him.

"What are you checking time?!"

"What? No! I'm not! I'm just repairing my watch, that's all." She looked okay with this statement and he let out a sigh.

"Get ready, we're going shopping. Mom is already ready." She winked at her mom who smiled broadly at her. Hikmah and her mom are almost the same when it comes to fashionable things. So her mom is actually happy they're going shopping. Her husband doesn't take her shopping, so she's glad Hikmah brought this idea. Even though she's always busy with work too, but who will like to miss fun things? Maybe she will be using Hikmah for her own ways, she thought.

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