My home

382 19 26

Hyejin POV

She's tidying up the daycare room.
After the whole day of taking care of the kids and teaching them lots of basic things a toddler kids should learn in their development years.

She was fond of all of them but this little timid girl that always was so quiet and reserved caught her attention. She always tried to give her attention and encourage her to participate in the play and activities. But the little girl was always shied.

She was staring at the glass wall and kept staring at everyone passing in the nearest street. Patiently waiting for her mom.

I have chocolate bar in my bag and contemplating if I will give it to the little girl. Her mom said the little girl was so picky.

"Hi... want some?" I offered the chocolate and she timidly took it and bowed for gratitude. I patted her head and scrunched beside her.

"Want to play while waiting for your mom?" I asked. The little girl just shook her head.

"Maybe she's just caught up with her work. She'll be here anytime. Don't worry okay. I won't leave you alone until your mom arrives."
I give the girl a sweet smile.

"Ms Hyejin..."

I was startled with the sweet little voice from the girl that I barely hear.

"Yes, gabby?"

"C-can you help me. I want to take a p-pee." The little girl shyly asked.

"Oh... it's okay. Lets go. Hey baby... if you need my help don't hesitate to ask me okay. I'm always here to help you and your classmates." I hold her little hand and guide her to the restroom. She was having a hard time time taking off her pants. I felt pity for the little girl that because of her shyness,endure not take a pee for a long time.

After she's done with her business. The little girl sweetly smiled and showed her cute dimples.
I was whipped.

" you're so cute. You should smile a lot." I pinched her chin and winked at her. The little girl blushed and looked away. I can't help but fall in love with her cuteness. I took her to my arms and carried her to our reception room. I sit her on my lap and get my phone letting her watch some educational videos.
We both got startled when the door chimed and her mother came in. Looking apologetic for the late come..

"Gabby..." she opens her arm and the kid runs to hug her.The kid excitedly shows her very good star in her hand to her mom.

"Wow! Very good baby. Love you." She pinched the girl's chin and kissed her cheek making the little girl giggle.

"Anyeonghasaeyo...Ms. Ahn, I'm really sorry for being late. I was caught up with my meeting that's why I'm late."

"It's okay."

She bows and takes Gabby's bag on the bench. I just nodded and waved to the two as they took their leave. I just watched the two till their images were gone on my site. I heaved a sigh, I look around the daycare center. I started to pick up my things and closed the center. Even though it's tiring to do this job I love my work. I feel like being with all these kids and caring and teaching them feels like I've been doing this on my someone, I failed to protect.

It's been five years since I had to remove the baby. It was an Ectopic pregnancy, later on I had depression and my boyfriend cheated on me. I broke up with him and now I'm living my life peaceful and simple. Even though loneliness can be prevented. Still in life, we have to just keep moving forward.

A scenario like this repeatedly happened. Ms Jung always comes late. That she even tried to give and bring me gifts or bribes because of her impunctuality. I understand she's working but the principal noticed her consistent late on picking up Gabby.

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