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Hyejin POV

Think what's good to write.

But I'm blank

I'm clueless

I'm tired....

In every book Ive write, I feel like all my strength and thoughts was put in all my story. I was sitting here at the park enjoying the warmth feels of the sun in this slightly cold breeze of autumn..

Suddenly a lady caught my attention as she walk passed me not minding what other people around gossips about her. My gaze followed her and found out she has a period stain on her pants. She maybe clueless. I dont want to be bothered but I just can't ignored.
How some teenage group of guys making fun of other mishap. I take off my jacket walked fast to reach at her pace. She get startled to see me wrapping my jacket on her waist. I pulled the sweetest smile I have to don't scare her and I think it's working. I almost pushing her to walk.

"Hi baby! It's your lucky day to meet me." I saw her browse furrowed.

"What the hell are you doing?"
She looks confused where I was leading her.

"Baby, just thank me and I'm good."
I winked at her.

"Why you're pushing me here at the restroom? Are you a mugger? You are pretty for a thief." It makes me chuckled the way she tag me.

"I bet you're clueless that you have a stain on your pants? You have your periods today."

"Huh?" She look behind her. I just nodded and about to leave.

"So that's why you wrap me with your jacket, Oh, Thank you." She looks vulnerable in this simple problem. Biting her fingers.

"Hey get in and get changed."

"I-I d-don't have anything with me now. I-I don't know what to do. "She showed me her small purse.

"C-Can you h-help me please." I get awed seeing that puppy looks on her eyes and I found myself walking now to the convenience store to buy her disposable undies and napkins. As I get back on the restroom.

"Hi I'm back where are you?"  I found her at the end cubicle as she opened it slightly. Her eyes and nose were red from crying. I handed her the plastic containing what she needs. She takes a nod of her head for gratitude.

I waited till she comes out. She still feeling down.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She just nodded but I think she's not. She's holding my jacket and hesitating if she's gonna take it but I offer her to have that.

"Its okay you can have that. Take care that It's my favorite. I have to go. Take care." I started to head out but she hold my wrist.

"C-Can you help me?" Her soft voice was full of uncertainty, of sadness,of hurt.

"Why? What's the problem?"

"Can you.... can you bring me to the hospital?" I get flustered.

"Why? Is that?! Ohhh!!! Shocks!!!
Are you?! Wait.... what I'm going to do? Are you okay? Can you walk?
Want me to lift you?" I felt frantic I never experience to help someone having this kind of situation. Miscarriage is not a joke.

"Hey relax... I'm still fine. Just help me. I feel I'm going to faint." She grabbed my hand with her trembling hand.

"Hey!!! Don't faint! Hold on to me, let's grab a cab. Just tell me what you feel... oh God!!!"

As we went to the ER she was silent and just silently in tears as her doctor confirm the miscarriage she have. She's 2 months pregnant. Now she lost her baby. She will needed to be confined for D and C as the doctor said its dilation and's a minor surgery for dilating and removing some tissue in the lining of the cervix.

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