Pure love

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(MSP part2)

Wheein POV

I'm special in a way that this world where ordinary people with short minds cant understand.  We are strange from some people's perspectives. We have a world where only like us exist. But we are also human,  we can live like ordinary people can if just given a chance of proper learning. We need patience, not pity or even discrimination from society. Most of all, we need love and we can give love so pure and wholeheartedly.

The moment I saw this new caregiver my unnie want to hire for me. I know there is something in my heart that beat so distinctly for her. If I want something and am eager about it, I will do all to get it. She is different, when I saw her eyes I know she is unlikely as all my previous aid. I was playing with my gadget while they talk but I'm all ears with them I want to know everything about her, I'm curious.
I saw Byulie unnie like her too.

I know unnie behaves when she like someone and Hyejin like her too I just wish it's not in a romantic way this is the first time I like someone I wish she doesn't take her away. I love my unnie too, she always provides all I need, she works hard for us. But I felt always alone, she leaves me with some strangers that threaten me awfully when we are left alone. Saying harsh words behind my back, thinking I can't comprehend what they saying. I'm just pretending dumb. I felt joy when they act dumber than me. It's bad I know, but I just don't like them. But Hyejin is different, I feel it. When she says it she means it.

When I know she likes me too and I want to take the opportunity to get close to her. She called Byulie unnie but I don't know it makes me jealous when they talk. I talk to Byulie unnie not to call Hyejin. I said I like her. I asked her if she will agree if can like Hyejin too. She doesn't talk I know, Byulie unnie. If she gets mad at me and gets silent it's just two words, She doesn't like it or she is mad. This time I don't care. I'm starting to like Hyejin, I search on google what is love.  How to make someone love you? How to make someone fall for you? How to know if she likes you too?

I have read something on it, that if you kiss someone you like and she kisses you back with the same passion it means she like you too. I always wait for a time to kiss Hyejin but I'm afraid she will get mad. I always stared at her lips and how it feels like to kiss those thin luscious lips. My head is trash when I have watched a couple of kisses in the movie I look at her, and She turns off the tv and said it's not good to watch, I glance at her, and she is blushing hard. I asked out of the blue what it feels when you kiss someone. She was shocked and Mrs. Kim came and give us the sandwich and they head out. I look at them in the window and they chat for a while. I can read lips even from a part. Mrs. Kim is our long-time housekeeper, We grew up with her. I know she is concerned with me. She witnesses all the worst and happiness of our family. But when she asked if Hyejin will leave one day, How about me? Hyejin didn't answer and looked back at the house she saw me, I move back. I don't want to know or even think she will leave me or even don't feel anything. It hurts, it's like killing me.

I tried to get back on my drawing. I want to draw to not think but I can't get what I want to make it. I get pissed and I want to read it. Hyejin comes and cups my face. I started to cry.

"I hate it! I hate you, you will also leave!" She hugs me and makes me calm. How can she be so capable to make my feeling calm with just a meer touch? What if she leaves? How can I cope when I'm feeling this way? What if I get used to it? I push her and run to my room. I want to be alone and locked. She keeps on knocking for how long and heard the door click, she came in and hold my hands and hug me. She started to cry I felt sad I want to comfort her like what she do to me. I stared at her we were so close cupping her face like this, I kiss her eyes and she don't flinch. Is this the right time to kiss those lips? I kiss her lightly as if I saw it in the movie. She respond too and I want more but I held myself not to scare her and push me. We are both blushing and embarrassed by just what happened.

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