Dance of love

353 14 3

Wheein POV

It was another scheduled day of practice for Hwasa's comeback stage for her solo album. Our choreography team was assigned to backup her and Ms Lia kim assigned me to personally supervise her practice. We all waited for her but it was almost late and she is still not present on the place. I called her because the other dancer has some schedule tomorrow. I was dialing on my phone, it takes consecutive ring and she anwsered.

"Hello? Hwasa-ssi? Where are you? You're almost an hour late for our pratice." As much as posible I want to hide my irritation.

"Wheein-ssi I'm sorry I was caught up in some work engagement. The taping was delayed for hours and I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry."

I felt her sincerity so what can I do. I just nodded and sigh.

"What can I do about that but I'm just worried about your comeback stage. it's two weeks from now and I dont know if you can perfect your dance step knowing you have a lot of work commitments."

"Yeah, I'm also worried it's just that I need to attend those works but that was the last for now."

"Last for now? So there is more coming up?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm also getting tired of this but I can't say no."

"So how will you do your practice?"I'm getting upset now.

"Wheein-ssi can you wait for me now even if it's late I will come to have practice my dance."

"But the dancers needs to go home now.They have schedule tomorrow."

"It's okay you know the steps right? You can teach me alone. That's more like it."

"Huh? Me?" I was flustered to know that we will practice only the two of us and it was late already most of the people here left to go home.

"Yes. Is there a problem? I'm on my way there."

I was startled my head figuring what we were going to do here. Then the team started to say goodbye.

"Ms. Wheein we're going, we really need to go and rest." I just nodded to my member.

"Wheeinssi are you still there?" Hwasa asked.

"Huh? y-yes..."

"Okay I'll hang up and see you in 10 minutes."

I was looking at my phone thinking is it real? me? I will teach Hwasa her dance step. How can I not get nervous. Just watching her makes my heart beat so fast and here she is I'm the one going to teach her and be that close to her. I'm sure I will be embarrassed myself. Then the door slowly opened and her head sneaked in. Seeing her wearing a hoody and sweatpant I feel relieve.

"Hi." Her smile brightened up the night even though the practice room was slightly lit. She come near and place her bags on the bench.

"uhmm... s-so l-lets s-start, It's getting late." I turn to my phone and play the song. When I turned to her she was just wearing a sports bra and her sweat pants.I was tense up again. Shit my gay panick was triggered again.

"Wheeinssi.. are you okay?"Her voice changes to more seductive and low. She brushed her hands on my arms giving me shivers and butterflies inside. I look up to her face and caught up that sly smile.

"Don't worry I'm a fast learner."
She whispered in my ears, I gasped and gazed at her before she went to the middle and took her starting pose. I shook my head trying to focus on my job. We started the dance. She is good almost perfect all the steps but we keep on messing the body hug where she will wrap her thigh on my side and her right arms on my neck it was just glimpse but she always missed the timing then will get awkward after. I'm feeling tired and frustrated with all the hard choreography she perfectly does and this part always missed the timing.

Windflower🏵 Wheesa OneShotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ