Wish II

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Another week had passed and she doesn't even received any news about her... I'm dreaded to asked my daughter about Wheein but I don't want to sound weird. Hyein don't even know that they have past. What Wheein said is they are old pal... old pal? Just friends how painful is that. Well, she can't even tell her past with her daughter what more from her side.

Wheein's bday is coming and never heard from Hyein if she's going or not. I'm waiting for her to ask me to buy gifts for her, I don't want to buy gifts for Wheein and confuse Hyein why I'm doing that.

I heard a knock on my door and Hyein cheerfully sneaked her cute face. I knew she was asking for a favor.

"Mom...are you busy?" She comes to my bed and lay on my lap making her pillow. I put down the book I was reading.

"Not really.. why? You need something now?" I glance at the clock and it was already late 9:15 pm to be exact. "It's late, you should be sleeping now." I saw her cute pout.

"I know. I just want to ask if you can come with me tomorrow. I'm shied to go there alone." She's fidgeting her fingers on the mattress doing circular motions.

"Do I need to come? I don't think I'm invited. Both of you were getting along right?"

"Not really, I avoid her cause some of my classmates, gossiping I'm a teacher's pet. That I'm her favorite student because you are closed with her."

"What?!!!" I want to curse the mean gossip she's hearing from her classmates.

"I think she feels bad because one time she's calling me but I ignored her. Can you come with me and apologized to her?"

Even I went flustered too about what she was asking me to do. How is it going to happen? Even I can't ask forgiveness for what happened to us a long time ago. I feel Hyein staring at me waiting for my answer.


"Uhm....I... don't... know either.
Maybe..." I bite my lips wondering what's the best thing to do. She whined frustrated at my uncertain replies.

"Okay... okay!!! I will come then with you."

"You're the best Mom, love you good night!"

I shook my head and sighed after my daughter left my room. What's happening? Why does the Universe keep
pulling our path together. I want to live in peace. I can't guarantee that I can't hold back not to be blurted out my feelings for her.

At Wheein Bday...

We went to her house, the address she gave to Hyein is not the one we used to live in before. Well, whose gonna stay in a place full of good and bad memories of us? Maybe she moved on.

Hyein pushes the doorbell button and nervously taps his shoes on the floor.

"Hey! Why so tense?! Relax!"

"Mom... I don't know if she's happy to see me."

The door opened and saw the Lady who was with her in the school parking.
She smiles brightly.

"Hi!!! Are you Wheeinies guest?"

I was startled and don't know what to say. Fucked why I need to be here. Why are your such a fool to go here without even knowing she has someone now?

Windflower🏵 Wheesa OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now