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Life is better if you accept changes



Hyejin POV

A usual afternoon cuddles on the couch while chilling on movies we choose to watch... on this lazy rainy afternoon. I've been playing with Wheein's new orange dyed locks.


"Hmmm?..." not taking my gaze from the tv.Wheein flip to turn on my side to face me. Shes lying her head on my lap.

"I've been wanting to change management. Is it okay with you?
I got paused on what she just said.

"We already have settled an agreement and we will have to finalize it at the next meeting."

My gaze automatically flew to her with a confused and worried gaze I got pause for a while comprehending what's is she's uttering just a moment with me.

Did I hear it right? She'll change agency? Did she not renew her contract with the agency that has been holding us since trainee days? But why?

I heeve a sigh and just silently stared at the tv and my mind is not focused on the movies but on what she just informed me. She takes a sit beside me waiting for any reaction or objections to that matters. Actually she once talked it out on me and we just ended up arguing and that resulted in a week of ignoring and avoiding each other. Till I cant last and talk to her but hearing again this from her feels like it's giving me a different feeling of anxiety. What will happen to us? To the group?

Did the agency still threaten her the way they threaten their own artists? I don't know if I'm just overthinking or getting paranoid that we're not gonna see each other while she has her own promotion and activities outside the group.

"Hey...aren't you happy for me?"
I glance at her but stare again at the tv I bite my inner lips to don't spill any words that only hurt her and make her feel that I'm against her will. But she keeps staring and that makes me feel uncomfortable.

"If that's what... you think much better for your career then it's up to you. You know whatever you do and whatever you want in your life I'm just a supportive friend of yours."

"That sounds so cold. It's not your heart speaking to me." I scowled at her.

"What do you expect me to feel? Be glad that we'll end up not seeing each other like this or rejoice cause finally you're free from all this shitty company could offer."she wrapped her arm on my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Im still gonna find time to spend time with you.Dont sulk already."

I freed from her hug and started to move to my room.

"Just lock the door when you leave.Take care..Whee." But later I feel someone pressing her body next to me.

"Don't be like this..I want you to be happy for me... it's the best for us. I want to show what more I can do. I want to explore outside my comfort zone. I can't be just like before while all of you grow I feel like I'm stuck." I stayed silent I know what her silent struggle is through this year. What she said in Secret Unnies is real she has the least activities from all of us and that's makes her less confident of herself. Even though we all tried to make her feel special, self-fulfillment is another thing to consider as an artist.

"I'm happy... really! But you can't take away the part of me getting worried that I can't be with you like the way we are before. You know it's complicated to see each other even if we want too." We stayed snuggling in the dark of my room with only the light of the daze light coming from the living room. I heard her deep sigh and steady breathing.

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