Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.

Start from the beginning

I slowly felt myself nodding off to sleep, only to be awoken only an hour later by screams coming from the girl next to me. Yet this time, they weren't screams of horror or fear, they were almost cheers.

"Freddie! Freddie!"
"What? Whats wrong?" I panicked, sitting up straight and my eyes going wide.

I was shocked to see her smiling at me, her shirt rolled up and both her hands placed on her stomach from where she lay in bed.
"They're kicking!" She cheered, pulling me closer to her with the strength that she had and placing both hands where hers had been big moments before.

I waited a few minutes, pouting as I felt nothing happen. But then I felt the most wonderful thing I ever had experienced. I'd felt a kicking child before, in mums stomach, in the shins, Ron's even kicked me in the head.

But this was my children. Both of them, that I could feel kicking through my future wife's stomach, who was beaming from ear to ear, just as I was.

"What does it feel like?" I wondered, looking up to see that she was already looking at me, "does it hurt?"

"You know what." She said and I shook my head, "it feels like the weirdest feeling, but its amazing."

I rested my head on her swelled stomach, listening to the sounds of our children. I whispered softly, "you need to hurry up and get out of there little ones. I'm dying to meet you."


Y/N's pov:

I was around 16 weeks pregnant now, which meant that it was likely that we'd be able to find out the sex of our babies.

We still hadn't told anyone but Harry that we were having twins, wanting to keep it a surprise for later on. I don't know when, we hadn't discussed it.
But imagine how funny it would be to come home from the hospital with two babies.

No, I think Fred might have let it slip by then.

The damage at Hogwarts was unbelievable, people were debating whether they should send their children back or not, it was just a question of would they be safe?
The majority of the muggleborns had gone into hiding, at this point everyone knew it, war was inevitable.

On the plus side, we had made a great start on our side of the war, with the order catching more death eaters everyday. Azkaban was practically swimming with them.

But I won't say that it hadn't been tough, especially on my part. You might think that being in charge of an auror team wasn't difficult, I wasn't going on missions after all, but it really was hard. It was hard sending people out there and knowing that they might not come back or being the person to tell someone that their loved one didn't make it.

Because it wasn't fun and games anymore. It wasn't the defence group that we had formed in our last year. This was real life now.

I was back in the office for the first time since the attacks had began, today. They hadn't thought it safe with all the death eaters in the ministry, but today I had a large amount of newbies that I needed to get trained. At this point, we were taking on every person we could.

Fred and George had closed the shop today to help, Harry and Ron were also joining the training as they were out of school now and wanted to be full time aurors. I understood that Harry didn't need any help with his defensive spells or even the attack, but he did have to learn how to act in terms of the wizarding law because if he got those rules wrong, he wouldn't last five minutes as an auror.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now