Chapter 104- stop crying

Start from the beginning

I jumped out of the way just as a red flash of light skimmed my shoulder, looking at Sirius in thanks, he must like me after all.

He hadn't taken the news well either. Who would?
But he was taking it just as bad as me. He wasn't focused, he had been apperating to every cave he could think of, he was even close to forcing Harry to apperate him there.

But he knew he couldn't risk it. He was Harry's godfather and even though it wasn't the same as being Y/N's father, he loved Harry an awful lot and wasn't willing to risk his safety. But that didn't stop him from threatening to kill Dumbledore next time he was him.



I'd managed to get to the edge of the cave with minimum injury. I had a few scrapes and cuts and my lip was busted and bleeding from where I'd been caught when the walls caved in, but other than that, I was doing surprisingly well at escaping.

Until my luck kicked in and suddenly I was not making the great progress as before.

When I had visited Molly earlier, I hadn't expected to be blessed with the presence of Lord Voldemort around the time when I was supposed to be serving dinner for the boys. Nor had I been expecting to find myself looking into the eyes of the woman who had birthed me. The woman who had tortured me. The woman who had abandoned me.

I couldn't call her my mother. She simply, wasn't. All I saw was a raging bitch with the eyes of a devil, thinking she had the privilege to call herself my mother.

"What?" The woman smirked, "Not expecting to see your mother today?"
I rolled my eyes, spitting out, "My mother's ginger, not a brunette."

The woman in front of me scowled, raising her wand to line with my chin, as I too raised mine in defence. I couldn't apperate without her blasting at me. If she managed to catch me, I'd be splinched, I certainly couldn't risk cutting my stomach as I had done too many times before. So what was the only other way to handle this?
To guilt trip her of course.

I put on my best 'I'm a damsel in distress' look, though trying hard to make it not look too fake. I forced my eyes to well up, forced a look of sheer terror to appear on my face, and made my eyebrows sink as if begging.

"Please." I begged, "Don't do this. You can kill me. I don't care. Kill me. But don't kill my children. Kill me after. Not whilst they're part of me."
I noticed her eyes go wide as they traced down my body, landing finally in my stomach, where my left arm lay protectively.

I watched as she slowly raised her wand, her eyes seeming somewhat human, an expression I'd never seen before on the woman's face. Could it be.... dread? Guilt? Maybe even longing for something.

I wouldn't know. I didn't have time to think about what the bitch was actually thinking herself. In a life or death situation, you chose life. And that was exactly what I did.


I watched as his eyes went wide as I appeared in front of him, successfully shielding him from a green jet of light shooting his way. I battled the death eater, spell after spell being exchanged from the three of us, before the opposers were forced to retreat.

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