Chapter 6

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It was nearly seven o'clock in the evening when we arrived at Luo's house, and there was a heavy rain on the way. The weather was sultry and hot, and when the rain fell, not only did it fail to disperse the heat, it also made it even more stuffy.

    The Luo family was not the kind of single villa that Luo Yan lived in. It was a big garden with a large garden in front. It took a few minutes to drive to the place where people lived.

    Luo Yan was not in a good mood, his body was cold and powerful, and Lin Du followed behind to enter the door, feeling that the two of them were not like going home, but looking for revenge.

    The housekeeper waited at the door, took the clothes that Luo Yan took off and said respectfully, "Madam is in the ancestral hall at the back."

    Luo Yan nodded and walked back. No one was seen in the garden, and the lights were dim. Lin Du followed through a few corridors and saw an attic with a gray roof and flying eaves, with white walls and hanging outside. The big red lantern, the dark red light illuminates a small plaque above it, how gloomy it looks.
.Especially the two of them all the way from the concert venue to here, it's like two different worlds.

    When he was about to reach the door, Luo Yan stood still and turned to Lin Du and said, "You wait here."

    He looked at Lin Du's pale face through the dim light, and added, "Don't be afraid."

    Lin Du, whose face was abnormally white after wearing a whitening mask:? ? ?

    Walking to the ancestral hall, Luo Yan knocked on the door, and a hoarse and gloomy female voice came: "Come in."

    Lin Du stood next to the door and saw a woman in a cheongsam kneeling there. From Lin Du's side, she could see her profile, her skin was very white and already wrinkled, but if it was well maintained, she could still see it. With a sense of luster, there are deep nasolabial lines at the corners of her mouth, she said in a cold and sharp tone after Luo Yan entered the door: "Kneel down!"

.Lin Du watched Luo Yan kneel down without hesitation, facing a pile of tablet tablets.

    The woman just counted Luo Yan's sins in front of the pile of tablets, using a gloomy tone that made people uncomfortable when listening to it, as if Luo Yan was some heinous sinner.

    She didn't finish her own count, and let Luo Yan count her own faults.

    Then Luo Yan said indifferently: "The ancestors of the Luo family are on top, Luo Yan believes that he should not be born, and unfortunately came to this world, please bear with me."

    Lin Du listened beside him, forcibly holding back his smile.

    The woman was mad when she heard this, and the ancestral hall couldn't speak loudly, so she could only hold down her voice and ask Luo Yan to behave, saying a lot of cruel words, but Luo Yan didn't respond.

    In the end, the woman gritted her teeth and said, "Luo Yan, if you continue like this, I can't guarantee how long she will live."

.Lin Du clearly saw Luo Yan's body froze, his jaw collapsed extremely tightly, his deep outline motionless under the candlelight, he took a deep breath after a while, closed his eyes, and said word by word, "I, Luo Yan. ,"

    Lin Du suddenly said, "Madam, I'm hungry."

    Even music critics said that his voice had a unique texture, and in this quiet environment, the texture was even more obvious. The woman turned her head and looked at Lin Du resentfully: "Who told you to speak!"

[BL] Dressed as The President's Cannon Fodder SpouseWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu