It's quite obvious one of the individual's there is Brian but who is the other one?  Maybe he's a friend or minion of Brian?

 Another groan of pain resonated in the house.

  I began to have the impression that something is awry. Is he hurting someone? Who? Oh no, not on my watch!

 I sucked in a breath, mentally preparing myself to attack the monster while composing and maintaining a confident stance. Mustering the strength and nerve, I kept a firm grip on the knife in my right hand while simultaneously turning the door knob with my left. I threw the door open, concealing the knife behind my back in the process.

I held a stern, grim expression cemented to my face as my eyes were wild with pure rage. He had his back turned away from me, causing me to vex his very presence more. I surveyed the room but there was no one except him.

Was he talking to himself? No I heard- 

My thoughts were cut short as I studied the legs of a chair in the center of the room as well as a pair of legs but Brian's fixed position hid the person from me.

Did he kidnap someone else!?

"Go back to bed cupcake or else I'll-"

"Or else what!? You'll sedate me? Go ahead! I'm not afraid! Just try and sedate me, you'll see the consequences.." I threatened, maintaining a firm stance as he turned swiftly to face me with an amused look on.

"Is that a threat? Why the temper, huh?" He pouted, a mischievous look settled on his face. He smirked, being aware that my anger bubbled as a result of his unapproved actions.

"Oh you know very well you son of a-"

"No no no..." he shook his head while wagging his finger at me. "Better not use vulgar language. You'll only be in the wrong..." he smirked once again, as muffled grunts resounded.

"Oh I will be in the wrong?! Says the person who's done nothing but wrong in his entire life!" I spat in between gritted teeth. 
"And who did you kidnap now!?" I asked as he smirked. The tension hovered in the air, as a rush of adrenaline surged through my body, my muscles  tightened, and my heart rate thumped in my chest.

I scoffed as he burst into laughter that seemed so sinister, it made me cringe.

"Well... you'll be pleased to see who this is" he said with a serious expression before stepping aside. Time seemed to stop as I stood there to behold the sight before me. My heart dropped within me, whilst my mind swirled with confusion, anxiety and disbelief. I felt lightheaded for a moment before I began regaining my senses once again.

"Oh what happened cupcake? Surprised? Stupefied?" He asked with a stupid grin on his face as he moved to stand behind him. I, on the other hand remained stunned as I gazed at Logan, bound to a chair with duct tape covering his mouth and blood befouled his clothes.

Brian ripped the duct tape off Logan's mouth which dragged me into reality.

"What Yolanda? Cat got your tongue? Aren't you gonna say hi to Mr. Manipulator here?" He grabbed a fistful of Logan's locks and released. He let his head sag lower and lower as he slumped in his seat. 

"Stop it!" I barked as Brian halted in midair, his hand raised to slap Logan. 

He smirked before walking over to me, menacingly. My hand clasped firmly around the knife behind my back just as he stood before me. I looked into his electrifying eyes that held much admiration, and sinister intents. He slowly caressed my cheek but I slapped it away. He glanced away briefly before staring at me again. I gasped as he pulled me into his chest, cupping my face in his bloody hands. 

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