Chapter 52 - Another Normal Day?

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Mattheo's POV
"Please farther" I begged.
"Nonsense boy, Miss Malfoy is perfectly capable of handling the task at hand"
"No buts. She has to do the task wether you like it or not"
I left the manor aparating back to my dorm. I sat on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands.
"Fuck!" I shout taking a glass off of my bed side table and throwing it at the wall making it shatter into millions of tiny little pieces.

Daphne's POV
"Hey has anyone seen Mattheo? I haven't seen him since yesterday" I say sitting down at the Slytherin table for lunch.
"No sorry" Everyone replies.
I wonder where he was. I know he would skip classes but I though he would at least tell me. I decided that I would bring a plate of food because he might be hungry, plus I thought it would be a nice thing to do. I made two plates and started walking towards the great hall doors.
"You can't leave here with plates full of food" Filch says.
"Shut up you old prick"
I arrived at his dorm and went to open the door but it was locked.
"Mattheo?" I said knocking on the door.
But I got no response. I continued to shout his name and knock but nothing.
"Alohomora" I whispered making the door swing open.
I looked around his room but he wasn't there. It looked like no one had been there for ages. I decided to wait there for him I mean he's gotta come back eventually. I sat on the arm chair in the corner of his dorm just waiting. After a few minutes, he aparated into the dorm and sat on the edge of his bed. He looked mad. I was going to say something but he suddenly got up took a glass off of his bed side table and threw it at a wall shouting fuck. I flinched while shutting my eyes closed hard.
"Shit" I heard him say.
I heard footsteps and then a hand on my shoulder which made me flinch again. I slowly opened my eyes to see Mattheo crouched down in front of me with a sympathetic look.
"I'm sorry"
"It's ok" I say breathing heavily.
I got up and so did he. He hugged me tightly as my breathing started to get heavier and heavier. I quickly pulled away and started manically looking around.
"Daphne hey, look at me"
He placed his hands on my face and made me look at him.
"Daphne breathe"
He started to take deep breathes with me and I slowly calmed down.
"Thank you" I say looking down.
He hugged me for a while so I could calm down fully.
"Why were you so upset?" I asked pulling away and looking at him.
"What?" He asked scratching the back of his neck.
"Come on Mattheo I know you know what I'm on about why were you so upset?"
He just looked at me for awhile.
"I went to see my father"
"What? Why?"
"I-" he paused. "I tried to beg him to not make you do the task"
"I just-"
"What? Don't think I can handle it?"
"Well yeah I-"
"No no I-"
"Nope you don't need to say anymore"
"Daphne just let me explain!" He shouts making me flinch.
I take some deep breathes and say "fine, go on"
"I just don't think you should be doing anything like this so soon I mean, we just got you back. I don't want this task to negatively affect you in any way. I just, I think this will be hard on you"
I stood there for a minute.
"I understand but I can do it. I will do it, I kindve have to"

The next day I woke up and thought it was just like any other normal day, little did I know it wasn't gonna be. I did my normal routine which consisted of showering and getting ready for the day. I stepped into the great hall for breakfast and walked over to my seat at the Slytherin table. Me and my friends talked and laughed for a while except Mattheo, he hadn't arrived yet. Then one of the worst people I know sat across from me.
"Hello Malfoy" he said making my head turn.
My smile on my face quickly faded away as I realised who it was.
"The fuck you want"
"Just wanted to ask how your face was, yknow, since that whole kidnapping thing"
"Shut the fuck up Ben"
"You're just so insensitive aren't you?" Pansy said in my defence.
"What, poor little princess Malfoy can't take a joke?"
He heard a cough from behind him. He slowly turned around to be met with Mattheo's fist. He fell to the floor and he got on top of him and pulled him up by his collar.
"You ever talk or talk about my girlfriend again, I'll do more than just punch you in the face. Got it?"
Ben nodded his head and Mattheo got off of him. He sat next to me and we all just continued talking. Until classes started.

During lunch I couldn't be asked to go into the great hall, Ben put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. I was just sat at the back of the library reading, minding me own business when I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I realised it was Voldemort calling for a meeting. I rushed up putting my book back in my bag and went off to find Mattheo and Draco. Once I found them we aparated to the riddle manor entered the meeting room and took out seats waiting for Voldemort to arrive. We waited with other death eaters. I was nervous since I didn't know what was going to happen and I didn't like it. After a few minutes he entered taking his seat at the head of the table like always.
"Let's get on then, shall we" he said with that weird voice of his.

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