Chapter 39 - Mattheo

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Mattheo's POV
Draco, Abigail, Pansy and I have been following Liam and James for weeks to see if they would lead us to Daphne, but no luck so far. I don't understand where she could be, I don't understand what Liam and James have done with her. They are both going to pay for this, that's for sure. I love her, I need her. This is all really getting to me head. I think I'm going out of my mind without her by my side. I haven't gone to lessons since she went missing, I know that's really bad but I can't focus.

Today was another normal day, spying on James and Liam. All they ever seem to do is just hang around the school and even if they do leave, they just go to hogsmeade. I'm starting to think maybe they don't have anything to do with Daphne, but why would they be so suspicious? To be honest, right now I don't know what to think. I was in the courtyard watching them from afar with Draco. They literally do nothing and it's so boring, they just talk about stupid shit like the weather and that. Don't understand how they have fun or nothing but whatever.

It was lunch but I didn't go, I haven't gone for the last few weeks. I skip just so I can be in my dorm and think, think about how much I miss her, think about where she could be, think about how much I let her down. I should've protected her I know that but there isn't much I can do now except find her. When I find her, I will make it up to her. I promise that. In my dorm I have loads of photos and writing all over my walls with those different coloured strings pinned around, like a detective bored. I spend most of my time looking at it and updating it, coming up with theories like, what if her dad took her again? What if we are looking in the wrong direction? I have never let anyone in my dorm because I don't want them to see it. Is they do, they will think I've gone mad or something and make sure I stop looking for her which I will never let happen. I need to find her so I need everyone to think I'm ok but still miss her like crazy, which I do.

It was night time now, and I was just in my dorm lying on my back staring at the ceiling while playing with the necklace around my neck. I do that most nights. Most nights, I also just sit at the top of the astronomy tower drinking and smoking. I drink all my sorrows away. It doesn't make me feel any better, matter of fact it makes me feel worse, but I do it anyways. I always seem to think it will help me, but it never does. Recently, I've been drinking a lot more than usual though. You would be able to tell by all the glass bottles in my room. I couldn't sleep at all tonight so I decided it was one of those nights when I would got to the astronomy tower and drink my soul away. I have a secret stash of alcohol up there so I didn't need to bring any with me, plus if I ran out I could just use a spell so I was fine for the time being. I was about half way up the stairs when I heard talking. It sounded like an argument. I tried to go up the rest of the stairs quietly so no one knew I was here. I hid behind the wall at the stairs so I could listen in and be able to hear who it was. I wasn't surprised when I found out it was James and Liam, they are always being weird talking about random stuff in random places so this was normal. But then I actually payed attention to what they were talking about.
"What are we doing with her?" Liam asks.
"Sir wants to see her and talk to her before we do anything" said James. "He wants to see what she does and how she reacts. This will determine what will happen to her"
We're they talking about Daphne?!
I quickly ran back down the stairs as I heard them coming down too. I hid in a bush outside, I wouldn't be able to get away so I had to hide. I watched as they looked around to see if anyone was around before walking away. I decided that I was going to stick to my original plan and think about this. I went back up, got my secret stash of cigarettes and alcohol out and started drinking. The whole time, I thought about what they were talking about. Who is sir? What are they going to do to her? Where is she?

I woke up surrounded by empty glass bottles. I went back to my dorm and had a shower and brushed my teeth to get rid of the smell of stale alcohol and cigarettes so on one would suspect anything. I went on with my normal day never going to lunch breakfast or dinner, I never really have an appetite anymore. I spent the whole day spying on Liam and James as I usually do. Why are they actually so boring though? Then one thing James said caught my eye.
"We have to meet him at hogsmead to discuss about her"
I knew straight away they were talking about Daphne, well I'm 99% sure. I dashed away to the common room where Draco and everyone else was. I came in so fast, I nearly tripped down all the stairs.
"What's wrong?" Draco asks "are you ok?"
"Yeah umm I was just spying on them an-"
Draco cut me off. "Mattheo, we have already told you it's not them. There's no evidence or anything, they didn't do anything."
"No guys I-"
Pansy cut me off. "Are you feeling ok? Mattheo we agreed they have nothing to do with it."
"No believe me they do!" I shout. Why won't anyone listen to me for goodness sake.
"Mattheo they don't just leave it ok"
"No I swear they do they are-"
"Mattheo" Draco shouts. "Drop it!"
"Fuck sake" I shout as I walk away to my dorm. Why won't they fucking listen to me? I'm right about this I know I am. Daphne needs us right now and those bitches won't help. I guess I'll just have to do this by myself. Those guys can go suck a dick.

By this time, it was night time and I was about to leave the common room to go to hogsmeade when Draco shouted my name.
"Mattheo! Where are you going?"
"Why do you care?"
"You're going to go spy on them again aren't you? Mattheo we already told you they have nothing to do with Daphne being missing"
"But you're wrong!" I shouted "they do I know they fucking do so let me just help her!"
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that Mattheo"
"Why the fuck not?!"
"Because" Draco said. "Because they are going to get suspicious of you always being around them"
"That's a lame fucking excuse Draco. I thought you would be able to come up with a better one"
"Just don't go"
"Tough shit, I'm going and nothing you say is going to change that"
As I tried to walk out, Draco shouted.
"Don't move!"
I turned around saying. "And why no-"
I stopped talking as I saw Dracos wand up pointing at me.
"What the fuck Draco"
"You leave me no choice. You can't go you just can't"
"Fuck that!" I shout as I get my wand out and point it at him.
"You ready?" Draco asks.
I chuckle. "I was born ready"

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