Chapter 26 - Will You...

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Daphne's POV
It has been a couple weeks now and all that it has consisted of is still working on the cabinet, going on a couple more dates with Mattheo and some other boring stuff.

I was sat on the couch in the room of requirements as Mattheo was working on the cabinet. I couldn't be asked to do anything plus I was wondering where Draco was.
"Get off your ass and come help me" Mattheo whines.
"Nah I think you've got it" I say putting my hands behind my head.
Mattheo started waking over to me and picked me up bridal style putting me down in front of the cabinet.
"Now start working" he says.
"Where's Draco" I ask.
"Don't know and I don't care"
"Alright well I'm gonna go now see ya" I say before running out the room so Mattheo can't catch me.

In first period I had Potions with Snape. I wasn't paying attention, I never do. All I did was talk to Mattheo. We were assigned to make a potion this lesson with the person sat next to us. Each pair got a different potion, we had to make a Babbling Beverage potion.
"This sucks. This potions boring" I say with my head in my hands.
"Tough Miss Malfoy" Snape said "you get whatever potion I give you. I don't trust you two with any so you say cool potions"
"Rude" I mumble as he walks away.
"I see where he's coming from" Mattheo laughs.
We made the potion and I decided to steal a little vile of it. I wanted to use it on someone just to see what would happen.
"Put it back" I heard Professor Snape say from behind me.
I sighed and took the vile back out my pocket placing it back onto the table. I turned around to look at him and gave him a sarcastic smile before he walked away. I rolled my eyes. Snape dismissed us and I went to my next lesson.

I was walking into the great hall when I saw everyone whispering. When I came over and sat down they all stopped and just looked at each other. It's like they were talking about me.
"What were you guys whispering about?" I ask.
"Nothing" Pansy says "doesn't matter"
"Ok then"
"Hey" Abigail says "do you wanna do something later"
"Sure, I don't have anything else to do"
"Great meet me at the quidditch field after classes"

Mattheo's POV
Today was the day I was gonna ask her. I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. We have been on many dates and we have established already that we like each other a lot so I think now is a good time to ask. At lunch in the great hall, I was telling everyone my plan and how I was going to ask. We were all whispering when Daphne came over asking what we were talking about. I kinda felt bad because I think she felt like we were talking about her or something.

After lunch, I didn't go to classes for the rest of the day. I wanted everything to be perfect for when I asked her. The others gave me plenty of ideas to help me and I think I've found the perfect one. I hope she likes it, I hope she says yes. What if she doesn't? What if I waited too long? I guess I'll just have to find out. I'm so excited but low-key nervous.

Daphne's POV
In fourth period, I had Defence against the Dark Arts. It was the last lesson of the day and I was ready to be done with classes for today. I just wanted to hang out with my friends and have some fun. I haven't hung out with all of them properly in a while.
"Miss Malfoy, are you listening to me?" Professor Umbitch asks crossing her arms.
"To be honest Professor, no" I say crossing my arms.
"Detention tomorrow" she says. Then she mumbles walking away from my desk "I can't be asked to put up with you today"
Rude. I'm not that much of a pain in the ass, am I? Oh well. I don't mind pissing that old bitch off. I realised I haven't seen Draco today. I hope he's ok, even though I know he doesn't give two shits about me, but I still care about him. I mean he's my brother after all. During the lesson, she said that we had to do this essay project thing for homework with the people sat next to us, but Mattheo wasn't here. I wondered where he was. I wouldn't be surprised if he ditched me because of this lesson, I would've done the same but I'm too lazy.

Umbitch dismissed us all. Finally classes were over. I was walking down the hall to the common room to get changed. I didn't want to wear this outfit anymore it was kinda uncomfortable. I don't know why I picked it out in the first place.

Daphne's outfit

I was just in the common room reading

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I was just in the common room reading. I didn't want to go the the field straight away, I would probably end up waiting for her which I didn't want to do. After a few more minutes, I walked out to the field. Before I could get around the corner a pair of hands on my waist pulled me back also making me turn around. It was Mattheo.
"Hey, Darling" he says.
"Hey" I say "what are you doing here"
"I have a surprise for you" he says "close your eyes"
He turned me around again and placed his hands over my eyes walking me to the field.

Mattheo's POV
I was so nervous right now. I had placed out the big blanket, we used on our second date, under a big oak tree. There were fairy lights wrapped around the tree trunk and also in the leaves.
"Ok" I said as we approached the tree "and open" I say taking my hands away from her eyes .
She looked at it with wide eyes and her mouth a little hung open.
"It's beautiful" she says looking at me smiling "but what is this for?"
"Well" I say bringing her closer to me by her waist "I wanted to ask you something very important"
"Go on" she says smiling more.
I got down onto one knee "Daphne Malfoy-"
"You aren't about to ask me to marry you are you" she says cutting me off .
"No" I say laughing.
"Daphne Malfoy, will you be my girlfriend" I say.
"Yes" she shouts as I stand back up.
She jumps into me, hugging me. I kissed her before she pulled away and jumped down. I pulled a dagger out of my pocket and started to care out initials into a heart on the tree.
"One more thing" I say before reaching into my other pocket "I noticed you staring at this a lot" I say taking out one of my rings that I had put on a necklace "I figured it wouldn't fit on your tiny fingers so I put it onto a necklace for you"
She smiled "I love it"
"Turn around"
She turned around and moved her hair out of the way for me to put the necklace on her. I started to softly kiss her neck getting more rough.
"You're going to give me hickeys" she says breathing heavily.
"Good" I say in between kisses "then everyone will know that you're mine"

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