Chapter 40 - I Fucked It Up

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Mattheo's POV
We stared at each other for a few minutes before Draco sent a spell my way.
"Confringo" he shouted.
I quickly dodged the spell with another spell.
This made his wand fling out of his hand onto the floor behind him. Before he could turn around and run to get it, I hit him with another spell.
"Rictusempra" I shout.
This was the tickling spell which made him drop to the floor in laughter.
"S-stop" he laughed.
I walked around and picked up his wand so he couldn't hit me with any other spells.
"S-stop it M-Mattheo" he laughs again.
"Only if you promise to help me"
"No I-I won't"
"Well then, I guess your stuck like this then. Bye" I say turning to walk out.
"Wait" he shouts and paused. "Fine I'll h-help you"
I took the spell off of him and he jumped up to his feet sorting out his hair and clothes.
"Right," Draco says. "What are we doing then?"

We were inside Hogsmead just waiting for James and Liam to show up as we drank out butter beers. We were there for about 30 mins before they actually arrived. At first they were just drinking talking and laughing when I saw someone familiar walk in. Then they walked up to them.
"What the fuck" i say staring at them.
"What?" Draco asks as he turns his head to also look at them. "What the fuck"
We stared for a couple minutes before they started to leave. We followed them out and almost lost them before we saw all three of them turn around a corner and run after them. We followed them all the way to riddle manor. What the fuck were they going to do here? We entered after them and stayed outside the meeting room, putting out ears up to the door to listen in.
"What are we going to do with her my lord?" We hear James say. They were obviously talking to father. I knew I shouldn't have believed him when I asked if he knew where she was and he said her didn't. Why did I believe him?
"We shall have to kill her" my father says.
"Ok my lord. When?"
"Tomorrow night, I want to meet with her first"
"Ok my lord"
Then we heard footsteps. They were coming closer and closer so we sprinted to a closet nearby to hide in. I watched through the crack in the door James and Liam walk out of the manor. I stormed it the closet and Draco came after me pulling me back.
"What are you doing?" He says.
"To talk to my father" I say getting out of his grip and standing outside of the big double doors. I swung them open and saw him there, sitting.
"Oh" he says. "What a pleasant surprise please come in Mattheo and Draco."
"Shut the fuck up" I shout pointing at him.
"What?" He asks with a small smirk on his stupid face.
"You know what. You know where Daphne is and I want you to tell me right now father or I swear to god, I will kill you" I shout.
He just laughed.
"Whatever do you mean Mattheo?"
I went up to him and pointed my wand up under his chin.
"Tell me, or I'll fucking kill you" I whispered.
"Uhhh Mattheo" Draco says.
"Not now Draco!" I shout.
"Mattheo!" He shouts.
"What!" I shout back turning around to see that we were surrounded by a bunch of death eaters.
"Shit" I whisper.
I quickly aparate us out of there before anything happened.

We were back in the common room. Pansy scream as we appeared as she didn't expect it. Actually quite funny but I couldn't laugh, I was this close to finding out where she was and I fucked it up. I slouched on the couch letting out a huff.
"What's wrong?" Pansy asks. "And where we're you?"
We were gone all night, it was now breakfast.
"We followed James and Laim" I say rubbing my eyes.
"What! Draco we said they had nothing to do with it why d if you go too?"
"He made me but he's right. They do have something to do with it"
"We heard t he m talking about Daphne to someone but you're not gonna like who's it was."
He paused for a minute while he looked at me.
"Voldemort" I say standing up and putting my hands in my pocket.
"They're gone kill her. I was so close to actually finding out where she was and I fucked it up. She's gonna die because of me" I shout, my voice breaking. I stood there for a while just gathering my thoughts and trying not to cry, as Daphne would say, crying in front of people makes you weak. Before any tears could stream out, I went up to my dorm locking my door and started crying while sliding down the door. I was heartbroken and if she died, well who would know what I would do. I want her safe, I need her safe. All three of them gits are going to pay for this and I mean pay. They stole the one thing I truly loved and left me here, broken. Our love was like a drug and I needed it, I needed it so fucking bad. I would never forgive anyone for this. As my eyes layed upon all her stuff, it made me think about her more and more as more tears came streaming down my pathetic face. Why'd they have to take her? Why are they going to kill her? I don't fucking understand any of this. Suddenly, I had all this anger built up inside of me and I had to let it out somehow. I got up and started smashing things around my room. By the end of it, there was so many shards on the floor they kept poking through my shoes into my feet and making them bleed but i didn't care. I opened my door to see Draco and Pansy outside just looking at me with such sympathy and I hated it.
"Stop looking at me" I say before leaving to go drink and smoke on top of the astronomy tower, it's what I do best. Every time I would finish a drink I would drop it and watch it fall all the way down to the ground.

After a few hours, I was still up here drinking and smoking. I was fucking wasted. I thought maybe this time the alcohol would numb all the pain but it didn't. It made me think of her more and more every time i took a sip. All this pain was tearing me up inside and I don't think I could handle it anymore. I've never felt pain like this before and I don't plan on ever feeling it ever again. I was looking at the ground below just watching loads of student walking around while thinking. But I could only think about Daphne. My eyes started to water again as I stood up still looking down at the ground.
"Fuck it" I say walking up to the very edge of the tower.
I was about to when I felt a hand in my hand. I looked back to see who it was. It was Daphne?
"Daphne" I say turning my whole body to her.
"Please don't Mattheo. I need you. You need to help me, help me Mattheo. Please my love" she said before disappearing.
"Daphne. Daphne. Daphne!" I shouted but she didn't come back.
I suddenly woke up, gasping for air. I looked around to see I was still on the tower.
"Daphne" I whisper before getting up and walking all the way back to the common room.
I'm not giving up. I'm going to find her, I know I am. I need to, she needs me and I need her.

A Badass MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz