Chapter 4 - Miss Malfoy, What is the name of this potion?

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I was woken up by Abigail shouting "Wake up Daphne were going to be late"
I sat up quickly "fucking hell Abigail you scared the shit out of me!"
"Sorry but we're going to be late. And why were you sleeping on the couch?"
"Oh I didn't know where your dorm was so I just slept here" I said as she sat next to me.
"Why would you be looking for my dorm?"
"Oh right Um me you and Pansy are sharing a dorm"
Abigail shot up clapping "yes this is going to be so fun"
She dragged me by my hand brining me to our dorm.
"This is our dorm" she says flying the door open. There were three beds one next to a window and two on the other side. The bathroom was at the back of the room.
"This is my bed" she said pointing to the one next to the window "that one is Pansys and this one is now yours" she says pointing to the other two. I flopped onto my bed ,the one nearest the door, and nearly fell asleep again.
"Nope you aren't falling back asleep" Abigail says picking me back up so now I'm standing. "Get ready your trunk is over there. We didn't know where to put it when you left"
"Ok thanks" I said as she walked out the room.

I had a shower, did my hair, got dressed into my robes and put on a little makeup. As I walked out my dorm I saw Pansy, Abigail, Enzo, Theodore, Blaise, Draco and of course Mattheo sitting in the common room and walked over.
"Finally" Draco said standing up. He was about to say something else before I interrupted.
"Shut the fuck up I'm not speaking to you"
Everyone laughed quietly. I was about to leave the common room when Pansy asked "Where are you going?" I turned around and said somewhere and left.

After a while I could feel someone following me but I didn't care. It was their own funeral. I approached the astronomy tower stairs and went up. I hid behind a wall and listened to the person walking up the stairs. I pulled out my pocket knife and pinned the person to the wall with my knife to their neck.
"For fuck sake Mattheo" I annoyingly said backing away from him, putting my knife away.
"Kinky. I like it" he said with that smirk on his face.
"Oh shut up" I said giving him a dirty look and walking over to the edge of the tower and sitting down.
"I thought you were going to jump" Mattheo said jonkingly sitting down next to me.
"Wish I did" I muttered looking out but he still heard me.
"What do you have first" I said breaking the silence.
"I don't know. I hardly go to my classes"
"Fair enough"
"What do you have"
He just nodded.
I stood up leaving after a few minutes deciding to go to class.

I arrived outside the door, knocked and went in.
"You're late Miss Malfoy"
"Yea sorry about that sir"
"Don't be late again and sit there"
Professor Snape pointed to a seat at the back with another empty seat next to it. I sat down with my legs on the desk not listening to a word he was saying. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. I turned around and saw the one person I really didn't want to see right now. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes looking back to the front.
"Sorry I'm late sir"
"That's fine Mr Riddle. Take your seat next to Miss Malfoy" he calmly said. My head shot up looking at professor Snape as he smirked at me. I let out a sigh.
"Thought you don't go to your classes" I said not looking at him.
"Yea well I had a feeling you were in this class so I thought why not piss you off"
"Gee thanks" I say sarcastically.
"Miss Malfoy" Snape said giving me a warning look.
"One get your feet off my desk. Two don't talk to me like that again"
I rolled my eyes putting my feet on the floor holding my middle finger up at him.
"Detention Miss Malfoy"
I just sat there with my arms crossed looking forward starting to get lost in my thought again when he started speaking.
"I feel like you did that on purpose" that idiot next to me whispered
"I did"
"Don't know just felt like it"
"Shush Miss Malfoy"
"What! I'm not even the only one talking" I practically yelled.
"Detention for two days"
"This is bull shit!"
"Detention for three days! Do you want me to give you another"
I huffed and just sat there.
"Very well" He said continuing with his teaching. I still wasn't listening I already knew this, it was useless to me.

"What is this potion called"
"Miss Malfoy"
I snapped out of my thoughts "hmm?"
"What is the name of this potion" he said glaring at me knowing I wasn't listening.
"Amortentia" I replied smirking knowing he thought I didn't know that answer.
"Very good. And what is it?"
Hermione had her hand up frantically waving it when I answered.
"The strongest love potion in the world. It smells different to everyone depending on what attracts them"
"Well done. How about you test it for us"
I looked at him and sighed.
"Bet you're going to smell me" riddle whispers smirking as I get up from my chair.
"I smell" I paused "blood, cologne and smoke" I said confused. Who smells like that. I looked up to people looking at me with wide eyes.
"What!?" I asked annoyed. Then my eyes landed on him. He was looking down smirking.
"Oh for fuck sake" I said a bit too loud.
"Detention for four days Miss Malfoy" professor Snape said waving me to sit back down. I didn't. I just left. Why did I smell Mattheo? I thought to myself. I was half way down the hall when someone pushed me into an empty class. Here we go again. Mattheo pushed me against the wall with both hands on my waist.
"What the fuck do you want now?" I said rolling my eyes.
"I could give you a real reason to roll your eyes" he said smirking. WTF. I started to go red.
"Look at that. I've already got you blushing" he whispered in my ear.
"W-what do you want" I managed to get out.
"You" he replied. Before I knew it he crashed him lips onto mine.

"Miss Malfoy!" Professor Snape shouted. I looked up to see everyone staring at me including Mattheo. It was just a day dream. I got red and looked down embarrassed.
"What is the name of this potion" he asked.

A Badass MalfoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora