Chapter 17 - No Fucking Way

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Mattheo's POV
I dropped my wand on the cold hard wooden floor.
"No fucking way" I say in disbelief. I slightly smirk and run up to Daphne. I hug her tightly spinning her around. I couldn't believe she was alive. I put her down and hold her face while looking at Draco but he just looks down. I take my hands off .
"What wrong?" I ask chuckling a little "your sisters back you should be happy"
He walked over to the couch and sits down as Daphne shouts his name.
"Draco I'm sorry" she says teary.
"Hey" I say "hey what's wrong with you" I ask sitting next to him.
"Go on Daphne" he paused looking at her "tell him."
She just looks down.
"Well" I pause making her look at me "how are you alive and where the fuck have you been?"
She walks up to me and I stand up. She looks up at me and I look down. She's tiny compared to me.
"I-. I woke up and I found myself in this weird disgusting room. I heard a knock at the door and then he came in" she starts sobbing.
"Who" I ask hugging her.
"My father"
I pulled away quickly looking at Draco then her.
"What? I killed him how the fuck is he alive" I ask furiously.
"He cursed her" Draco says "he can only die if Daphne dies" he says walking up to us two "tell him the rest".
"He brought me to a death eater meeting and" she paused walking to the couch and sitting down.
"He made me become a death eater" she says making me get angry. I look at her and then the ceiling.
"Oh and she was tasked to watch us for a while" this makes me look at him "she's been watching us since the funeral" my heart sunk. Shit. She heard me didn't she. I looked at her quickly.
"There's more" I say squeezing my fists closed.
"She has to help us with the cabinet" he says.
"She knows about your task"
"Yes I do now can you two stop talking about me like I'm not here" she says
"There's the old Daphne" I say making her smile a little.

Abigail's POV
Today has been 2 and a bit months since Daphnes funeral. I still miss her like crazy. Everyone does. Including Draco and Mattheo.

Today I woke up got ready and met everyone in the common room. Except Draco and Mattheo, we're still pissed at them. We talked for a while and left for breakfast. After a few minutes Mattheo and Draco entered. They looked happy. They usually look miserable so this was weird. They sat down with us but no one talked to them. Mattheo made sure to leave a seat between me and him. It was weird. Did he not want to sit next to me or something?
"You know you don't have to leave a seat" I say not looking at him.
"What?" He asks.
"You don't have to leave a seat between us" I pause looking at him "you can sit next to me if you want"
"Oh no that's ok"
I just looked at everyone else. He was acting suspicious. After everyone finished breakfast, Dumbledore made an announcement. They were always so boring. But then he said something I thought he would never say in a million years.
"I have a special someone joining Hogwarts again" he pauses "Daphne Malfoy"
Everyone gasped. I looked at Draco and Mattheo, and Mattheo was the only one that had a huge smile on his face. Draco looked pissed. I thought he would be more happy that his sister is back. But how? How is she back? We didn't care we all jumped out of our seats so surprised. Then there she was. The bitch I call my best friend walked in with a huge smile on her face walking to us. We all group hugged her and started crying. We all sat down.
"Now I understand why you left a seat between us" I say to Mattheo happily.
"Yea" he says looking at Daphne smiling like crazy. God he loves her so much. You can tell by how he talks about her and how he looks at her. They are soulmates.

Daphne's POV
It was so good to be back with my friends. I missed them so much and I know they missed me more seeing as they thought I was dead.
"How are you alive?" Pansy asks. Draco scoffs making everyone look at him. I looked down. I hated how Draco hated me.
"I-Um" I pause looking at everyone "I don't know I just kinda woke up somewhere like yesterday and I had no idea where I was. It was weird but I found my way back" I say. I couldn't tell them the truth. My father said if they found out about anything that happened to me he would kill them all. I couldn't let that happen.
"Oh that's really weird" Enzo says.
"I know"
We talked for a few minutes before we had to go to class. First was potions with Snape. Hope I don't get any detentions.

In snapes class we just worked on making the Amortentia potion. I had to work with Mattheo since he was my partner before I disappeared. I told him all the ingredients and he got them. He still didn't know I knew about that little speech he gave. I knew that if he knew I know he would be so embarrassed and probably just deny it. But I wanted to tell him, I wanted to tell him that I love him too. I didn't want to keep it a secret anymore.
"What are you thinking about?" He says leaning on the table smiling at me.
"Can't you read minds?" I say looking at him.
"Yea but for some reason I can't get into yours" he says.
"Well, I guess you'll never know" I smirk. We looked at each other's eyes for like a minute before I heard a cough. It was Enzo.
"Stop being all lovey dovey Daphne and help me please"
"Sorry Enzo but you and your partner have to do it yourself. And we're aren't lovey dovey"
"Whatever you say" he says winking and walking away.

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