Chapter 21

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"Have you heard from her yet?" "Man I told you I took the cameras down, and replaced them with the other ones he can't get into she has only been left alone for like ten minutes and it's only four o'clock. Chill man there are at least three secret panic button hidden all over the house. There is four under cover officers on both sides of her and some more hidden in the houses in the back I swear to you she is fine." Colton said taking a deep breath pinching the bridge of her nose. "But for how long though?" Xavier asked getting even more nervous. "Dude just relax there are listening devices all over the place here. This should calm you down and make you worse at the same time." Axel said turning on the device on the laptop.

"I got to go man I'll see you later." Colton said shaking his head with a chuckle knowing where he was coming from. "Relax man this will all be over soon. Enzo said getting the card table ready. "How does it feel to be a single man so soon again?" Ryder asked him taking the chairs and looking up at Xavier as the guys all stopped what they doing to look at him like he lost his damn mind. "I'm not single. She did not break up with me." Xavier growled to his friend as his Eddie smacked him in the back of the head. "the hell wrong with you babe?" Eddie whispered angerly. "What I was just trying to change the subject. Help get his mind off it a little." Ryder shrugged.

"By reminding him of his whole reason for breathing telling him she needs a break last week. I agree though they are not broken up wouldn't believe they were anyway with all the stuff he has delivered to my office literally every damn day. Showing off his love hope all this works out for you man." Gunner said smiling at him. "Don't take it too personal man she's really been going through it I mean she's been crying every night like I can't hear her. She's just as ready for this all to be over. Man its heartbreaking." Enzo said shaking his head. The guys all looking at him sadly. "Seriously?" Eddie asked like his heart just broke. "She puts up a good front in front of me we haven't really spoke in a few days like at least not like we use too." Gunner said in defeat.

"Yeah Mel said you been just as mopey as my big whiney ass. Her words not mine bro." Xavier told him throwing his hands up. "You know what I heard on the block while fixing up some of the other guys cars in town?" Eddie asked changing the subject. "What you hear boo." Ryder asked happily kissing his cheek and taking a seat next to him. "I heard they put out a warrant on Jennifer because she missed her court date. They are going over there today to collect her she was out on bail, and skipped the date." Eddie said looking around the group of guys. There attention got brought to Nix running in the door, catching his breath.

"Gunner you need to get to Melody's." Nix said holding his side from the cramp forming bending over. "Dude why are you if you get caught you going to blow everything how could bail right now from your post." Xavier growled to him. "Relax man no one saw me especially in my jogging attire this is the way I normally go anyway." Nix said after taking a drink of water. "What happened with Mel?!" Gunner asked out quickly. "They found Jennifer. She hung herself, she's been hanging lifeless in her living room by the autopsy for like a week they are guessing the same day she left the jail house. Dr. said it was a snapped neck no other prints are found any where to prove foul play. Even though we just think maybe dude is just good at covering his tracks." Nix said looking at Xavier last.

"Well yeah I would say remember the bag with all her things not one other print was found. That was weird though because he had plenty of time to erase the prints." Ryder said looking around. "No babe that's not really how it works you can't fully wipe out prints on fabric most time there will always be something no matter how small left behind. The lotion bottle and most of the smooth surfaces like that you can just wipe away with special cloth." Eddie pointed out dropping his plastic bottle on the floor in realization. "You good man?" Gunner asked him all of them snapping his attention to him.

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