Chapter 17

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                                                                                  ~No One's P.O.V.~

Xavier had made her go to his room while he locked up and wait for him there. Walking in the room he looked her up and down making her heart race with excitement. Neither of them have really gone out and tried stuff like this before, but for Xavier it felt natural. He had such a strong craving to want to dominate her body and soul, because mind was already beautiful and kept him captivated all on its own. "Strip down to your under bra and panties." His voice dark and husky making her legs cling together automatically. Staring at him for a moment she decided to take the plunge and go with it.

Grabbing a sleeping mask they both had for those kinds of days when you have a migraine and light and sound makes them feel like their head is split in half he held it out for her to see gesturing her to turn around. Walking up to him in mixed matched bra and underwear set with black panties and a nude bra. "Do you have any idea how it affects me when you keep important things from me? Do you have any idea what kind of nerve it hits in my soul to have you tell me you think someone could be possibly breaking into your home, not knowing what their intentions are. What they could do to you my angel, especially waiting to tell me something like that? I'm sure you are aware of the viciousness of ones imagination thinking about things like that, right?" He was lowly growling out to her.

Crap he is really pist. "Yes, I believe I do. It was not my intention to keep anything from you. In the future I promise to come to you when things happen. However since we first started talking I have done that in everything but that matter." She pointed out making a point she has been truthful. "Yes baby you have you are credited for that. However your life is a serious thing. I have this deep need to protect you. As of recently it is my honor of a job to protect to need you to be safe baby girl do you understand that? Do you honestly think my heart can take it if something was to happen to you that I might have been able to prevent, all because you didn't tell to tell me, I just got you Ana. After knowing how hard we've both been searching to final find this what we got right here. You think I can handle it to lose you or see something happen to you?" Xavier continued to growl to her.

Oh yeah he's definitely angry. It's my fault I should have pushed through and told him sooner. Penalties of being a ditz and blanking out so often. She scolded herself mentally. In reality he had every right to be this mad at her. She knew he was trying to get his point across but she was thankful to see even verbally he was still kind of holding back, knowing deep down she was more nervous about this situation than he was. Sure she could hold her own in a fight but not as well as Xavier could. He was correct again in not knowing if someone was breaking into her home repeatedly and not stealing valuable things than what could they do to hurt her. Bringing herself back to the situation at hand she was patient and listened as he vented everything she knew he needed to get off his chest.

"I am sorry Xavier it wasn't my intent to hurt you emotionally or mentally. I have been fearful of the same things. I promise it won't happen again." She said as she turned to hug him as she was blind folded. He held her close to him breathing her in resting his forehead to hers. Needing to feel her safe in his arms for a minute after his imagination had been running wild of all the horrible things that could come of the things going on or may not be going on in her house. "I know you won't. I trust you Ana, I need you to remember to trust in me a little more. I know you do angel, but things like this can't go unspoken." He purred to her as she just nodded.

"You will keep that blind fold on until told to take it off, do you understand." He said in a tone that demanded authority. Nodding along was not working for him. "You will also use your words not your nods." He added in same tone making her thighs twitch a little. " Yes." She all but stuttered softly out. "You will be blind folded this whole time because you will see how it feels to be blinded in a situation you want to be able to see in. Like how you blinded me about this. You will only go through this based on your imagination, and feelings. Like you have made me do. Do you understand that? This punishment for you is not to hurt but to make you feel a little of what I felt tonight if for any reason something gets to intense or uncomfortable for you, you just need to say stop alright?" Xavier asked waiting for her to know he is always and still putting her first above all else.

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