Chapter 18

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~No One's P.O.V.~

"That guy who's harassing all those girls next town over has finally made his way over to this side of the fence. Apparently his been here for weeks. He goes stalks women, breaks into their house and everything they don't even know he's there." Eddie was reading the local paper to the guys as he was waiting for Ryder to finish going to the bathroom to leave the shop as they went in for about three hours Saturday to finish a project that will be picked up Monday morning when they open. "Man that hits a little too close for home right now don't you think?" Axel said looking at Xavier. "Way to close too home." Ryder added coming around the corner.

"There was really nothing else you could have read man sports scores, fun things to do this weekend, Dear Abby nothing else man?" Enzo said to Eddie shaking his head nodding it to Xavier. "Oh crap sorry man it's just better to read up on current events you know besides it aint nothing Nix hasn't said last night. How is she doing any way?" Eddie asked looking at Xavier. "Ana's alright for the time being. Nix and Colton took the copy of the cameras to look over today it's been about two weeks. We've all been a little busy. They should be getting back to us later. The plus side my cousin has been keeping her mind off it as she been spending more time with Brie, Sienna and Ana. Guess she really is changing for the better." Xavier said with a shrug. "We've actually been staying at her place I think maybe six times in the past two weeks. There is just something there that makes her skin crawl, or as she says. We've been spending more nights at my place. She tried to pay one of the utilities because she thinks she's been there to much. Man that argument went on for about like an hour and a half." Xavier said laughing remembering how he has to punish her again.

"Well let's go ahead and start to head on out. I don't like leaving her there any longer than she needs to be alone." "Where she at right now?" Axel asked curiously as they all gathered their things and wen tout the door. Turning around they all saw Dimitri and stopped. Taking a deep breath looking at each other. "I ugh just moved places. I know you know I've been talking to Analeigh since she forgave me about almost three weeks ago. I just wanted to come to you first and invite you all to my house warming party. I know we hit some bumps and stuff but moving forward there will be lots of people you know good food and even some dancing. It's next Saturday about five. You can get the directions off Colt. If you y'all down to go." Dimitri said trying to be sincere and nice. "Sounds fun man we'll see you there." Ryder said for everybody who looked around and just nodded. "Yeah we'll see you there. Is there something you need? Don't look at me like that, fool you know she going to ask?" Xavier told him to let it be known he was not trying to be nice.

"No man I got everything only thing she needs to bring is her dancing shoes man, and an appetite seriously though it's catered through the Chinese place she loves so much." Everyone smiled and laugh knowing how deep her love for that place goes. "Yeah how about that." Axel said looking at him with his head tilted. "Anyway see you guys there." Dimitri waved them off as he went back to his car leaving the office. "He just randomly happens to have her favorite DJ, with her favorite restaurant, in a house she helped picked out for him last week." Eddie asked trying to see if it made sense to everyone else. "Yup that's what we got." Enzo growled lowly. "This is going to be a fun party." Ryder said smiling wrapping his arm around Eddie placing a kiss to his cheek.

"How can say that man it's going to be weird as hell. You know even the girls have come around to him they all even went to have coffee he ran into them three separate times and stayed talking to the for like three hours each time." Enzo growled out angerly. "This party is going to be great. Even romantic. Just like he said good food. We can enjoy feeding each other." Ryder said nipping at Eddies ear. "Also we can take a tour of the house maybe get a little lost in a room for a little bit, get nice and cuddled up maybe start talking about getting a place of our own as we converse loudly enough for others to hear about our happy plans to live together or things I will do to you soon. Even get to grind on you and get even closer on the dance floor being lost in love with you all at our hosts expense. I'm sure my brothers feel and would do the same thing with their women." Ryder said lifting his eyebrow to Xavier with a smirk. "Yup this party is going to be awesome!" Xavier said smiling with the guys.

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