Chapter 10

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~ No One's P.O.V~

Sunday morning was filled with running errands like grocery shopping and putting money in the ATM. After learning that Amber had used her mostly in all the lies she told Colton she baked almost the whole day yesterday to show up at his house with her car filled with baked goods and apologized over and over for any hurt that might have caused him. She was closer to Colton than Amber, she did not want to lose out on a good friend do to lies. Colton being the sweet guy he is just pulled her in hugging her tight and closely claiming he was going to have to train harder all week because she was trying to make him fat. Having a few friends from the police station over the treats did not last long.

It was a long enough morning when she ran into her mother and her new group of friends while they were power walking and going through the newest gossip like a bunch of clucking hens. She was enjoying their conversation until her mother of course brought up her sons friend again. "Oh no Helena he isn't single anymore. He got together with some girl he's been seeing. Sorry dear I really tried to push him to meet Analeigh here but he wouldn't budge such a shame dear. I am meeting her soon, I hope she's half as wonderful as you are." The friend said hugging her tightly. "Well thank you but I am not single either and mama I told you stop trying to set me up I'm finally happy." Ana told her mother I a pointed voice. The group went on about talking to Amber and Colton's mothers about their break up, what a long morning it was. It didn't help she didn't see or hear from Xavier all day since he went fishing with some of the guys and their dads.


"Good morning family." Gunner said to Sienna, Brie, and Ana. "Morning, Daniels." Sienna hollered looking down at the computer at their list of referrals to patch over. "Morning Gun." Ana said grabbing the charts on the schedule for the day. "Yeah sure." Brie said in a scoff. "You good there Brie?" Gunner asked her in a worried tone. "No I'm not. I'm still pist off at Amber. She came to my house in tears because Sienna would not have Phoenix talk sense into Colton about leaving her. I mean come on seriously? WHY the hell would she think I would do anything to help her situation. I am friends with Colton too, she used all of us to hurt him. She lied to all of our faces and then come crying to my door, after being a lying little slut for almost two months! She waited until her life blew up in her face to try to come talk to me, even Scarlett was mad at her and asked her what she expected to happen when the truth came out because the truth will always come out. She spent the whole weekend trying to call or see or talk to me, when she wasn't hitting up Colton. She couldn't call his partner or Sienna because they blocked her number and Analeigh refused to answer her call because and I quote I'm knee deep in guilty goods, and flour go call your boy toy I don't have time for you. I can't stand her right now. I think if I see her I'll blow." Brie said in angry exhausted tone.

"How did Enzo take all that?" Sienna asked her trying to hold back her laugh as they all told her forever now she needed to dump Amber and Scarlett. "After he came home from the card game, after about the 40th call he picked it up and said she needed to stop calling like a psycho ex-girlfriend and leave us alone for the rest of the day and if she had a problem with that or sleeping then she needs to pick up the phone and call somebody else because apparently it's not that hard for her to find a bed, so does mess up our sleep just because she got caught sleeping everywhere else." Brie said in a tone that sounded defeated. "I love that man so much. I'm betting that did not end well for you two." Gunner said in between his chuckles.

"No actually it did you guys were right I should have cut them loose a long time ago. We all knew she was being weird lately anyway and Scarlett is turned completely obsessed with you Gunner it's a little scary. She now goes to other bars in towns and hooks up with any guy that looks like you. She's shown me the pictures and that's what it all looks like and when I pointed it out to her she says huh guess he does, still not as good as the real thing though. Girl crazy." Brie warned him walking over making sure to stock their cabinets in patient rooms.

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