Chapter 2

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The next morning, he got out of bed and swung his leg around grabbing his crutch and moving about he managed to keep all pressure of his foot. He was actually already use to the crutch spraining his foot in high school and being on it for a month he could do the three to four days no problem. He got ready quickly and went into his living room to Enzo and Axel talking looking up smirking at him. "What are you girls smirking about?" Xavier asked knowing those smirks can't be good.

"Oh, nothing man. Glad to see you're alright and all. Got to say man we knew you was feeling Ana last night but didn't think you try to get her on top of you so soon man." Enzo said as they both busted out in laughter. "What do you mean?" Xavier asked getting a little mad. Axel gave him his phone to watch him, Axel, and Ana trying to get him into the lifted truck and him tucking her under him and flipping them over quickly with his leg wrapped around her in a protective manner. "Oh shit, are you serious I didn't just dream that?" He asked mortified.

"Nope it happened. Don't worry look she didn't look like she minded too much any how especially since she still agreed to seeing your huge ass Friday." Axel said smirking smugly. "You got a date? After this. Dude she already a keeper. Just be nice man she's a great girl. Brie really loves her." Enzo said with a warning. "What I like most the video is when he wraps his busted leg around her. She probably thought he was protecting his bad leg, but nope knowing you dude it was off instinct you always wrap that leg." Enzo said making them laugh harder.

"Hey y'all can laugh all you want, but you should be impressed I can still move that fast, even all pilled out." Xavier said with a chuckle. "Anyway, I'm here because I know your stubborn ass is still going to be heading into the shop, so I thought I would stop and see if you guys wanted any coffees, or anything from the café. I wanted to drop some off to Brie at work." Enzo said. "Actually, I want a sweet tea, and could you pick something up for Analeigh as a thank you, and I'm sorry." Xavier said handing Enzo a twenty. "Sure, thing boss. Axel want that smoothie?" Enzo asked. "Yeah man see you at the shop. So can you get your big ass in the truck, or you need help?" Axel asked him with a small side smile. "Just get your ass outside so I can lock up." Xavier said getting his keys and shoving his wallet and phone in his pocket.

Getting to the shop he got through to the back and everyone stopping to talk to him checking in on how he is making jokes until he finally got to his office and started to get his paperwork ready, he couldn't do anything else might as well catch up on the paper work he has been ignoring until now. He heard knocking on the open door, to see Johnny on the other side looking sad and guilty. "I am so sorry Xavier." He said holding a bag with a cupcake and a brownie that even said sorry. Xavier looked at it and couldn't help the smile and laugh that came from him. He really liked Johnny that's why he kept him around, most of the time his work was crazy creative and really worked well, every once in a while, he'll make a mistake like how his foot happened. Everyone in there makes mistakes that's how we grow form them he always told the guys.

"Look Johnny this wasn't necessary, thoughtful, but really were good. I think I should actually thank you instead." Xavier said making Johnny scratch his head in confusion. "You want to thank me for sending your foot to the hospital?" Johnny asked trying to think if he was hearing Xavier right. "Yes." Xavier said simply. "I don't get it?" He said feeling lost. "Don't you have a project to be piecing back together?" Xavier asked not wanting to give too much away. "Yup, sure do. Sorry again boss man." Johnny said walking away with a wave. Xavier put his head down with a smirk and went back to his paperwork.


"Analeigh!" Brie hollered to her as she just walked into the hospital walking over to her talking to a smiling Enzo. "Hey guys how you doing?" Ana said smiling in her scrubs her cellphone wallet and badge hands in her. "Doing good. I actually have a delivery for you from a very smitten man with a banged-up foot who feels bad for falling on you and wants to thank you for your kindness." Enzo said handing her blended mocha, and a wink. Ana took blushing hard. "He didn't have to do this. How thoughtful though. Could you take a picture of us please?" Ana asked handing Enzo her phone. Brie and Ana posed holding up their cups in cheers pose and big smiles. "There you go, you both look great. I got to go to work. Bye babe." He said smiling at both of them walking out the door.

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