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Feeling like he was torn in feeling so many different ways for the rest of the weekend between happy Ana was going to moving in. Sad at the circumstances the best time to ask her was. Angry as hell for the situation she was in. They packed up everything she wanted in less than a day. Nix would have helped if he wasn't already moving Sienna in with him. Big steps going on all over the place. Enzo basically already lived with Brie he just hasn't really told her. He had been moving in more stuff everyday gradually until the point there was just nothing left to move. Brie could only shake her head at him. When she asked him why didn't he ask her to just move in. Enzo asked her why ask when I know it was going to happen anyway and finished making them dinner. These are my friends he often wondered laughing to himself.

The only emotions going on in his head right now was guilt, anger, and exhaustion. Most of Sunday was spent arguing with Analeigh but he put it aside for them to go to sleep. Everyone could tell he was in a bad mood at work Monday morning. Axel and Ryder using rock, paper, scissors to go talk to him. "Shit, alright. You better have an ice pack ready for me just in case fucker busted my nose last time." Axel mumbled to Enzo who was laughing putting his face shield back down. "Can't hear ya bro." Enzo teased.

"Hey boss man." Axel said cheerfully. Xavier turned to him as he was finishing cleaning his tools just to glare at him. "I can't help but notice you look a little displeased, flustered even and I finished the project already for Weds pick up and was wondering if you needed any help or want me to grab you anything. Tools, part run, tampons." Axel asked him crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't push it." Xavier told him firmly before dropping his shoulders in defeat. "I just had long day fighting with Analeigh." He said sadly. "How the hell you fighting already after only living together for one day? Let me help you since your practically married now bro she's right your wrong. Just say sorry. For like the rest of your life." Axel teased playfully.

"It's about the stalker thing. I asked if maybe it would be best if she carpooled to work from now on, and I might have suggested you know going to the store when I was home. Maybe just start keeping her girls night in at home. Maybe having card games and shit at our place. Until everything blows over." "That set her off?" "OOOH yeah and how man." Xavier laughed out running his hands up and down his face. "So to sum it all up your over protective ass scared ass is nervous about not being able to be around protect Ana that you basically want her to be baby sat until this man is caught. Not being able to basically pee alone right man. What you going to do chase her in there and hold her hand? You can't be with her every minute of the day and she can't put her life on hold until all this is settled man. Even though your heart is in the right place that was pushing the line man, but I get it dude I would be the same way." Axel said throwing his arms up in surrender.

"Analeigh said the exact same shit. She wasn't even arguing really she was agreeing with my side as a point of view but told me I was being unrealistic about it. So she snapped when I told her maybe she was being to relaxed about it. Damn man I never been so scared of a woman my whole life. It was wrong for me to tell a woman who is scared to her wits end how to handle how to feel or act on a situation I am not personally going through. I am a big guy I can handle my own or that little fucktard coming at her. It's different for her she's small and has a few major disadvantages. I think I'm mainly mad at myself. I fucked up bad with her after only 24 hours of our first day together living in the same house." Xavier said as a foot softly kicked the ground and he leaned on the work bench a little.

"Hey man relax it's all going to alright. You know how big her heart is she probably already forgot. Although man that carpool idea was decent the rest was crazy. This will blow over trust me you guys got like thousands of fights still left ahead and it will all work out. We just got to focus on this one. This is a fight that has nothing to do with each other, just some random psycho freak who needs to be six feet in this ground." Axel told him flatly. "That's for sure. You are right though. I'll get some flowers or something on the way home and go apologize for everything and everything I will fuck up in the future. I never had this before. I never had a girlfriend or anything. I'm so far out of my element man, but when it comes to her." Xavier shook his head and looked at him. "It's like I would do anything to make sure she's ok, happy, safe, just anything to keep her with me. I mean am I crazy?" He asked looking at one of his oldest friends.

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