Chapter 7

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The day went a lot quicker than he thought it would he finished his project about a whole week early for the client, the guys all pretty much did the same. Work wise it was a very productive even fun day everyone was in a cheery mood for a Wednesday. Getting off a little early he decided to hit the store up for some flowers and a small cheese cake sampler, before going home to shower. He wasted no time getting in the truck with his little treats for her coming up to the door he could already smell the food coming from within and it made his stomach turn and rumble in hunger. Smiling to himself he remembered telling her his favorite meal was anything homecooked. Hoping she wouldn't be like the past girls he's met in this town who thought they could cook, but he thought they were just trying to kill him. Who honestly cooks ribs for thirty minutes in a crock pot and think they are done while its still bleeding everywhere shaking his head in disgust from the memory.

Knocking on the door and taking a deep breath she looked so cute in her house yoga pants and tank top dressed comfortable while he was in a simple grey t shirt that showed off his muscles and jeans. It was hard to find a shirt to fit him well with his built. "Xavier!" Her smile told him most of what he was hoping to see, and even hear. "You know you don't have to knock you can just come right in. I don't lock the door until I go to sleep. I have an open door policy here you see everyone who know they are welcomed walk right in. It's only when people knock that makes me think they don't belong here." She said giggling to him in a cute way.

"Well that could be a dangerous policy there love. I may walk in one day and never leave." Pulling her close to him getting his lips to her for a proper greeting. "Don't threaten me twice with a good time now Mr. Knight, maybe one day I won't let you leave." She winked to him welcoming him in her home. "These are for you and this is for us." He said with a wink. "Thank you so much there both beautiful, you didn't have to but I love it." She said walking in the kitchen to get them both where they need to go. "I hope you don't mind what I've prepared." She called out to him as she was placing the food on the table his face hung open in shock.

"Yeah it might seem like a little much but I really wasn't too sure what you fancied so to speak so I just did a little bit of everything I mean you can take a bite of all of it before plating it. Let's see we got fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. Croissants stuff with mozzarella cheese inside, corn on the cob, coleslaw and salad because I didn't know what you are into. Roasted Greens beans, and a small pot of beans, it's all homemade nothing to fatty. I actually manage to get the chicken fried without much grease. Can I get you anything to drink sweet tea, soda, juice or water?" She asked him going to get a cup and ice. "Sweet tea would be fine thank you. Ana this looks incredible smells as it looks too. He said sneaking a picture of it all the table when she wasn't looking his dad would get a kick and his mama would be proud.

"Well thank you. I enjoy cooking and baking and listening to the radio it's a little therapeutic sometimes. I would love to do it more, but it always felt a little pointless to go through so much trouble making meals like this for only one person. It's nice to have someone to cook for." Her face blushing hard as she tried to hide the blush. "It's nice to have someone who wants to cook for you." Placing kiss to her cheek. They began digging in his food trying to cover his moans but failing. A man could get use to this, thinking to himself how she's going to get him fat if she cooks this good all the time. She can could, dance, smart, funny, honest, and loyal. Don't know what I did to find this woman but lord please don't let me fuck it up to lose her he prayed silently to himself.

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