Chapter 1

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       I always thought everything happens for a reason or at least it's what I liked to believe. The nice thought to hold on to. I mean I think everyone should believe in something... more. I guess even if it's just in yourself otherwise what's the point in doing anything. Then the older I got I've started to think that fate, or God, or whatever higher power is out there must have an amazing sense of humor when it came to destining out my life.


"Come on man it really couldn't have been that bad." Enzo said laughing at one of his best friends as he was cleaning up his tools. "Naw bro, it was so much worse. You guys set me up with the dumbest girls I swear I don't know why I even listen to y'all." Xavier said shaking his head as he was adjusting and testing out his project. "Seriously, you don't think maybe you're overreacting." Axel asked looking at him as he started to put stuff away.

"Dude, she drug my ass out to an expensive place. Ordered a damn grilled chicken salad and ate over half MY food. She texted God knows who over half the time. She talked more about things like Kardashian's, what gym do I go to, she talked my ear off about stupid shit I couldn't wait to leave, than when I brought her home, she actually thought I was going to hook up with her. She was a damn trip. Where you guys find these desperate tricks?" Xavier asked scratching his head.

"Well damn dude that sucks. Remember the one girl who came into the coffee shop saw your big ass and left." Ryder said laughing hard bending over putting his stuff away. "Dude we are all built big, but you the strong, big, silent type for some girls I guess that either means they just intimidated by you, or just want t0 use you. I'm sorry man." Enzo said.

"Why can't I just find a laid-back chick like you got man, where you find her, are there more of her species?" Xavier asked with a chuckle. "You know what she got some friends maybe one day we can all I don't know go out for drinks or something. I'll ask her about some of her single friends. You know actually Nix lady is one of Brieanna's best friends." Enzo said

"Really Phoenix?" "Yeah, sometimes it gets pretty weird though when the girls all go out see two of them don't get along with the other three. One of them is mainly best friends with the only guy in the group but there is one that I don't care for she kinda causes problems with the others and it takes a toll of Brie because she doesn't want any problems but sometimes it can't be helped. I'll talk to Brie and Sienna and see what they say." Enzo said.

Xavier was standing at 6'5-almost 6'6, and huge built like a body builder but really broad shoulders. He was dark skinned 28 almost 29. Between working at his welding shop, his friends and family he was starting to find himself getting lonely and every time he was putting himself out there, he found himself getting more let down and disappointed. The only thing about it is he just couldn't seem to bring himself to stop looking he knew she was out there whoever she was. Someone to hold at the end of the day, to laugh with and be like his best friend. He couldn't give up so easily.

"Damn isn't Johnny done yet? What the hell's taking him so long I we going to start closing up." Ryder said. "I'll go get him." Xavier said walking to the back. "Johnny, let's go boy." Xavier said looking at him as he put the last of his stuff away. "Johnny this doesn't look like you got it secured in place. I think the bottom part of this door probably going to come down and hurt somebody." Xavier said looking at the welding job done by the guy about four years younger than him. "Are you sure? It looked like it was holding in place for me. Johnny said as he came around and started pulling down on the bottom door.

The door flew off and came down hard at tight angle straight onto Xavier's foot. "AWW GODDAMMIT JOHNNY!!!" Xavier hollered out. The other guys came running out, "What was that?" Axel asked loudly. Looking down at Xavier foot and Johnny project. "Never mind come on man, let me go take you down to the hospital and they'll tell us if it's broken or not." Axel and Enzo came and helped him into his truck. Enzo followed behind Axel who drove in his truck, while Ryder followed in his own truck.

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