Chapter 6

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                                                                                    ~No one P.O.V ~

Waking up he noticed the weight on his chest, the sweet smell coming in is nose. He was feeling so at peace he slightly tightened his hold around the angel that lay on top of him. Although he knew they both needed to get up for work, he found himself never wanting to leave this spot they were in their own little bubble away from the world and all the stupid people they would have to deal with along the way. He was just enjoying the moment their moment. Until he felt her moving and knew it all was coming to an end and alas she would leave him feeling cold, and going to work. Luckily his hard went down before she started moving around that would not have been a pleasant sight for her this early, not yet anyway he laughed to himself.

"Good morning Angel." He said in a raspy deep husky voice she found to be even sexier when he was just getting up. "Good morning, I am so sorry for weighing you down this whole time why didn't you just shove me off or roll me over?" She asked him feeling bad like she was squishing him this whole time. "Easy, I was enjoying the cuddles. I like you this close. You know you get even more beautiful when you blush like that for me." He said pushing her hair out of her face behind her ear to see it better making her grow even more red, as he chuckled at her as she playfully hit him with the pillow. "Guess we should get going huh? We both got work soon." She said with a sigh. "Yeah we should. I got to run home and change first anyway. Would it be ok to take you to dinner tonight?" He asked as she walked him to the door.

"Yeah we can do that. Where did you want to go?" She asked him biting her lip to hold back her excitement. "The little Italian place like three streets over?" He suggested. "I love that place sounds great. What time, I mean do you want to meet me here and drive together or have me meet you there?" She asked pushing her hair back with her hand. "I'll pick you up here. About 6? You off at like 4:30 or so today right?" He asked hopefully. "That'd be enough time for you to come home and get settled?" "How about 5:15ish. I don't need that much time, I'd like to see you again soon as I can." She winked at him playfully. "Done. See you soon Angel. Thanks for the slumber party." He winked back at her teasingly. This is going to be such a long day. She said to herself shaking her head as she shut the door to get changed.


Walking in he couldn't keep the smile off his face he changed quickly walking into the break room to make a quick cup of tea to take to his desk to finish off the paper work for orders, and then he can start welding other projects that needed to get done. Humming to himself made people stop to notice his happiness. "Not to offend you boss man but did you get laid or something?" Johnny asked scratching the back of his head making Enzo and Ryder bust out laughing. "Johnny what the hell kind of question is that? What ever happened to good morning, or how you doing?" Xavier asked him looking at him like he was crazy. "Sorry, sorry it's just you got like this beaming glow or something and you aint pregnant so I was only asking." Johnny said with his hands up in surrender.

"Man's got a point." Axel said coming up behind him pouring a cup of coffee. "Shut up." Xavier said stirring the sugar in his tea. "Did you get some? I mean you took off pretty fast last night and apparently you weren't home last night." Ryder said in a sing song voice. "How do you know I wasn't home last night?" Xavier asked curiously. "Well, I guess melody and Jennifer went by your place since they were in the neighborhood, and your uncle has something he wants you to fix. So he gave it to Melody and they went to your place, only you wouldn't answer the door so they called me up asking if I knew where you were. I reminded them we al play cards once in a while and that I would be more then happy to come retrieve the broken piece and bring here today. Only the wouldn't here of it so be prepared because I think Melody complained that she aint got no time for your games so Jennifer might be dropping it off. When I asked them why don't they just drop it at the shop like someone with common sense would they got mad and hung up." Ryder said with a shrug throwing his cup away.

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