Chapter 3

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"Just breathe bro, damn. You act like your whole life is going to be over if you pick the wrong damn outfit." Enzo said making the rest of the guys laugh hard. "Why y'all here?" Xavier asked running his hands on his face while trying on different shirts with his dark washed jeans. "We here because we helping you out bro." Colton said chuckling. "Yeah man look at you all nervous and shit. You weren't half as worried what you looked like with the other dates what's going on with you man?" Axel asked in honest question making the rest of the guy's ears perk up. "This is different." He said the words just fell out of his mouth before he even knew he was saying them. "How? Like in a good way or bad way?" Nix asked him.

"I just know she's different. There is just this feeling in my chest or gut or something that telling me that, that woman could easily be everything. I need for this to go well man. I really want this chance with her to go well." Xavier said taking a breath. "Lot of pressure to put on yourself man. Look I know she's a good person but is it really worth putting yourself through this?" Ryder questioned. "I think she is. I have been talking to her for literally hours and days. She is so much more than I originally ever thought possible for another person to be. I mean I like that she makes me feel like this. I think that's a good thing right. Isn't that the main goal? To go for someone who puts your heart through a roller coaster just by their smile. Not being able to stop the smile that comes across your face every time your phone go off. Knowing they reaching out to you to share their bad day because you somehow make it a little better just by them hearing your voice. Isn't that what we supposed to be going for?" Xavier asked his friends who for the most part know what he's going through.

"It's what we went for anyways." Nix said with a smile. "Well good luck man are you going to pick her up now that you don't have the cast anymore?" Enzo asked wiggling his eyebrows. "No, she's actually just going to meet me there." Xavier said while all the guys sucked in a breath making hissing sound. "What? What's the problem with that?" "Dude, most smart girls like her only meet you places so they can safely drive themselves home early, for an 'emergency' phone call her friends are scheduled to make." Ryder said using his air quotes. "It's not like that. She's not going to ditch me; I know she coming through. We going to have a good time. I bet you anything we will last the movie and dinner without her using an out." Xavier said looking at Ryder. "Ok, loser has to wash the winner's car in a bikini. You have to last the whole movie and dinner date all food gone not getting up in the middle and leaving." Ryder shook his hand, and everyone was smirking deeply.

Getting the tickets and arriving about forty minutes early the movie didn't start for another about twenty minutes. Analeigh was supposed to be there by now. He was starting to get a little sad waiting around the area. Maybe he needed to go by target and start looking for a bikini now he thought to himself sadly. Maybe I was jumping the gun, and maybe this was more one sided than he hoped it was. He waited another ten minutes to have an out of breath woman grab his arms as she hunched over a bit. "I'm... so ... sorry. UGH!!! CRAMP!!" She said as she held her side and bounced one of her legs on the ground. "Ana, are you alright? What the hell happened?" He asked trying to sit her down on the concrete bench he was just sitting on.

"My car. It crapped out, either the radiator, or the water pump just went through suicide or something. I was just down the street and had to wait for the tow truck. I am so glad I left early, or I'd still be there. Then I thought I charged my phone, but the cord box part wasn't in the wall, so its dead." She said looking at him with so much guilt. "I was trying to call you to tell you, but it literally just powered off and stayed that way. I am so sorry I am late. I can buy the tickets if we need to catch a later showing?" "ANALEIGH!" A man yelled coming across the street approaching both of them. "Hey, I need to know which mechanic shop you want it to go to. OH, hey man how you been? How's the foot?" He said looking up shaking Xavier's hand. "I've been good Dennis how you been." Xavier said happily. "Well which shop do you work for?" Ana asked scratching the back of his head. "My cousins. Actually, down the street from Xavier's shop. I can drop it there tell him what happened he'll look through it and then call you with the details, I need your number though." Dennis said pulling up the order form for her to put down her address and phone number.

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