Chapter 14

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                                                                                ~No One's P.O.V.~

The whole week just flew by for them, and everyday they grew closer to each other. Even closer to each others friends and families. Sunday came around and Xavier was reluctantly getting ready to head to his aunts house. Analeigh left with the girls to the mall hours ago and should be home not too long from now. Getting in the truck he kept telling himself to be nice and stay at least an hour just like Ana made him promise. I can do this, I can do this he kept reciting to himself as he came up to the door and walked in. "HI XAVIER!" Noah hollered happily as he was running with some family friends kids in the living room as Xavier picked him up in a big hug. Noah was a cousins kid from Kiley's side of the family and one of Xavier's favorite people he turned nine just about three months ago.

"Hey kiddo good to see ya!" Looking around him his face grew confused as he didn't find what he was looking for. "No Ana tonight?" Joe asked shocked not to see her. "No she went to have a girls day with her friends kind of cleansing of bad aura or something like that they had a fall out with a friend and it was an ugly one so this is kinda of like their grieving a bad break up or something." Xavier said scratching the back of his head knowing he wasn't explaining it very well. "Ah, yeah I know what that's like. Some buddies and I used to go hunting or fishing or something to try the weirdness when we had to lose some of our friends down the long road. It don't get easy either. You send her my best wishes and tell her I expect her at this door next time. I like that one." Joe said with a pointed look and a smile.

"She'll be happy to hear it. She did send this though. Sort of an apology, or maybe to kind of feel like some part of her is here or something smart she said that I'm messing up right now." Xavier said shaking his head, handing over the marble cake and sugar cookies. "DAMN! What smells good. What you got there uncle Joe?" Damian asked sniffing behind him. "Some of Ana's love and best wishes." Joe said proudly handing it to the boy to go take in the kitchen. "Where is your lady, did she high tail and run?" Tre' asked him with a smile. "No, she had plans with her friends already set up you ass." Xavier said as he smacked him in the back of the head.

"Dude you can not strike at an officer of the law." Tre' whined rubbing the back of his head. "Well in Uncles house you just a retard cousin." Xavier whined back mocking his voice. "Aunt Ellie, Xavier being mean to me again. Get him." Tre' hollered walking over to the kids outside, as Xavier followed him through too. "You all grown ass men, still fighting like damn teenagers don't know what to do with the lot of ya. Don't make me, make you boys get a damn switch off that tree and remind you how to behave." Ellie hollered back to them as they were almost out the door. "Yes ma'am." They said scared voices at the same times with Damian coming up behind them in a low almost sing song voice. "You got in trouble." With Tre' foot stuck out and Xavier shutting the door quickly for Damian to smack his face into it and fall over. "Shit!" Damian said rubbing his face. "Oh no did you trip brother really better start watching your step." Tre' said walking over hi going out the door. "I know that's right." Xavier mumbled to him as he stepped over him too. "Y'all mean as hell." Damian said getting up following them outside.


"So how are things going with you guys?" Analeigh asked as they were out eating at the food court in the mall just before they were about to go home. "Well things are good. What would you guys think if I asked Phoenix to move in with me?" Sienna asked looking around the table to the girls. "Are you sure you're ready for a step that big?" Brie asked her in shock. "I am I really think I am. I've been thinking about it for a while and I've been trying what Analeigh said the other day you know the bigger picture of trying to set better life goals or some crap like that. When I was making myself try to see my life down the road of what I wanted to do, or be, or maybe where I even wanted to go I kept coming up blank on so many things except like my job. The thing is no matter how many times I thought about things in so many different ways the only constant I had was Nix. I can't see a future down the road without him and if I am seeing that now and I keep thinking about the more I know this is right for me. So do you think I should ask him or wait? How do I get to the next step with out scaring him off? What if he's not there yet? What if we see things differently I don't want to lose him." Sienna was rambling off.

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