Chapter 15

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"He said what now?" Gunner asked Ana as they were walking out of the office. Gunner was helping out on a few other patients so this week the girls were off at about 1pm. "You heard me." She stated back. "What did you tell him?" Gunner asked excitedly looking at her smile beaming through him. "Well that's the problem I was so lost in the moment I didn't say anything until the next morning when he got up happy as if he won the lottery and got ready for work kissed me goodbye. I can't believe I was so stupid not to say anything." She whined as she was banging her head slightly on the roof of her car.

"Ok well what would you have said if you can have the moment back?" Gunner asked her trying to be helpful with his hands in his pockets tilting his head to her. "Ugh, I would tell him how much I enjoyed our time together and how grateful I am to have him, and, and." She started to stutter off. "Yup apparently you need more time to think on it. Tell me something though Ana since my time today is short we need to speed walk through this today. Do you love him? Don't think about how quickly everything might seem to be moving. Don't think about what other people might think or say about you two. Don't think about anything other than how you feel around him, or about him, or how he makes you feel when he's around you. Think really hard for a second and honestly tell me do you think you love Xavier?" He asked arms now crossed staring at her trying to read her for a moment.

Lifting her eyes back to him after about three minutes she did hold back the smirk. "Yes, I believe I do." She said smiling to brightly than remembered how she left him on the hook after he told her. "I'm the smallest human alive. How the hell could I do that to him leave him hanging like a worm on a hook?" She rushed out in a worried tone hands running up her face to her hair and slightly grabbing at it. "Don't stress out about it now. You can still fix it. Maybe make one of those special gestures, and show him you love him while you tell him. I'm sure he'd get a great kick out of it." Gunner trying to be supportive scratching the back of his neck. "Well he did text me earlier that he was having a bad day at work. If I hurry I think I can still turn it around for him." She hurried to the store and then to his house hoping to get everything done in time.


"I didn't think this day was ever going end." Axel said as he felt as if he was dragging his body to the car. "This day started off so good too." Ryder whined getting ready to walk down a few buildings to Eddies and catch a way home back to his place. "I feel you on that right there. I thought I was on cloud nine after telling Ana I loved her last night, and then it was like we walked straight into Murphy's damn law in their today. At least it's over though." Xavier said as he got to his truck. "Don't pull at that thread just yet there big guy." Axel smirked to him. Their eyes locked with Dimitri who was making his way to his car across the street stopping he put his things in his car and started walking over to Xavier, who stood straight up ready to square off with him or whatever the hell he though he needs.

"I aint here to start any shit with you Xavier. I came here to apologize to you for my behavior and words to you last couple times we spoke. I promised Analeigh if she was willing to start over with me, completely friendly, I would make an apology to you. We share a lot of people in common we need to at least be civil with each other. So I am sorry for offending you or pissing you off. I know you have a relationship with her, and I will respect that." Dimitri said in sincere tone with his hands up in surrender for most of it. "I don't believe that, I don't believe you're sorry either. You are right though we need to at least be civil so I'll tell Colt and Ana we cool, but you better respect my woman and know your damn place because don't think I won't personally hold your hand and walk you back to that damn friend zone when you start stepping out of line. I think we can try for the most part of keeping our mouths in check." Xavier said arms in his pockets starring the man in the face trying to hold back from slugging him right then and there.

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