Chapter 9

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~No One's P.O.V~

Waking up early the next morning stretching out and remembering everything that had happened the night before he smiled deeply and turned to reach out for someone who wasn't there. Propping himself up on his elbow looking at he side of the bed to find a note, he felt his heart skip a beat wondering just how bad this was going to be with a lump in his throat he looked down and ripped the band aid off to read it.


Last night was the first for many things for me. The first time I met certain people. The first time I let myself bring someone to my home in a tipsy state. The first time I revealed how I truly been feeling in my current state and place in life. The first time I didn't feel like a pathetic lonely guy. The first time I got with a guy. It's not something I ever expected to happen. I regret nothing that happened yesterday I do however need a day or two for everything to sink in that has happened. I'm not sure if this was a one night thing for you or not, I'm not sure how you feel about any of this, but I'm open to talk about whatever in at least a day or two if you'd like to hit me up. Help yourself to anything in the house please lock the door when you leave though. I got called in to work to help some officers with a car. Hope to hear from you later.


Looking at the note it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. He was expecting don't tell anyone, and get out, this never happened; but no he was wrong. Eddie regretted nothing. He really was of sound state of mind. Understandably needing sometime for something like this to set in one's mind frame was a complete reasonable thing to ask, at least he was open to talk about it later. Which felt like a great thing because last night was one of the greatest nights Ryder has ever had. Getting his things together he left the house locking the door behind him going home to shower and think things over. Sending the text out hoping he would come talk to him and help come to a good decision he need a plan A and a plan B to see how either way this was going to go. So Ryder texted the only person who he felt would understand.


"Baby your phone keeps going off." Xavier said snuggling in closer to her as he was the big spoon. Reaching up to it she read it. "Can you please come to the shop alone. I really would like to talk to a friend right now. I'm working on a car too so wear comfortable clothes that might get a grease mark or two. Just tell that man of yours I will give you back soon lol." "It's Eddie." Analeigh said giving Xavier her phone and pulling away from the bed to get dressed. Looking down at the phone. "Ok, have fun. I might sleep for a few more minutes then bounce out for a run. Give Ed my best." Xavier said not even phased of the text message.

"Will do." She leaned down and kissed him deeply for a moment. Grabbing her cell phone wallet and car keys. "Lock the down behind when you leave call me later." She hollered as she shut the door. Getting in her car feeling drained still she stopped by the café and grabbed two sweet teas. Walking in the door the door Eddie looked up from the hood as she held up the drinks. "Thanks." He said wiping his fore head taking it in. "So what ahs got your knickers in a twist so early on a Saturday love?" Analeigh teased him taking his rolling chair and looking at him kindly.

"My knickers in a twist really, Ana." Eddie couldn't contain his chuckle. Seriously what's up with you?" "Well first off how did things go with that what did you call him that sexy beast of yours?" Eddie teased back. "They went great your looking at a proud girlfriend of that sexy beast now." She was beaming thinking about last night. "Now stop side stepping the question and tell me why I am here." She said catching on to him as he nodded. "Last night was fun wasn't everyone had a great time. I hadn't gotten that tipsy in awhile. I went home last night and not alone." He said the last part in kind of certain tone that had Analeigh smiling widely at him.

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