Because Karen is going to be there this morning too and I don't even want to be in the same vicinity as her.

She's always got some smart ass shit to say and I'm surprised she isn't fired.

She should be.

If I ran that place I would fire her in a heartbeat.

I mean the first red flag is that her name is literally Karen, and the second one is that she's old.

Like that's an automatic no.

But I guess todays shift will be a little better since River is working too.

Thankfully we only work till 3 which I'm grateful for.

I didn't want to spend my whole Saturday working, especially at the grocery store because that's just lame.

But I'm making money so it doesn't really matter.

Sugar mommy Vee?

I think yes.

Having a job is only fun because you know your getting paid.

Unless you actually like your job.

People who work at bakeries love their job, I mean, who wouldn't.

But working at a grocery store, I don't think you would like your job.

Just as I'm taking the last bite of my cereal, River messages me that he's here.

Getting up, I grab my bowl and pour the excess milk out in the sink and then rinse the bowl. After I grab my phone and head towards the door.

Locking it behind me, I hurry up and get in his car because it's kind of cold and I'm only wearing a shirt.

Bringing a coat would have been a hassle and I don't want to deal with it today.

"Why aren't you wearing a coat?" River asks as I get into the car.

Thankfully he was smart and had the heat on so the car is already warm.

See? I didn't need to bring a coat.

"Because I didn't want to deal with it." I shrug, skipping the song he was currently listening to.

"So you'd rather be cold and suffer than be warm and deal with a coat?" He asks as he drives towards the grocery store.

Did I mention that he has a coat on? No, but I just did.

He looks like the type of person to wear a coat, especially to school.

"Yes, I would." I admit.

I don't know why but I think my ego is too big to handle wearing a coat.

Or maybe it's the fact that it would cover my outfit so then no one would be able to see it.

Yeah, it's that.

I'm that type of person.

But there is no shame in my game so deal with it.

𝙁𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant