Chapter 23

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Sitting curled up in Joonie's lap with my head on his shoulder is one of my favorite places to be. He's reading a book to me, and I can feel the vibrations from his voice through his chest. It's relaxing and calming. It's what I need right now. The calamity that was dinner with the family has me emotionally exhausted. The guys have all been extra caring to me. Giving me random hugs and massages.

Jimin comes into the living room with an enormous binder in hand.

"Honey are you up for a discussion?"

I raise my head and look at my lovely Jiminie, "For you? Always."

"Great, Hobi and Yoongi are coming because we need to make some decisions on the wedding."

I slap my forehead. So much stuff has been going on that I completely forgot about wedding planning. What kind of fiancée am I that our wedding is the last thing on my mind?

Yoongi and Hobi come in as I say, "I'm so sorry. I totally suck."

"You've been going through a lot." Joonie says kissing my cheek. Hobi and Yoongi nod their head agreeing with him.

"Honey don't worry about it. That's why we need to talk. Elise, Jin and I have been putting together some options for everything." Jimin says opening the binder.

I look with wide eyes at everything. I can't believe they put all this together.

Jimin looks at me and smiles." Elise is your best friend and I have it on good authority that she knows your taste better than you do. Jin has taken over the menu and wedding cake. We all know when it comes to food what he says goes. Unless you want to argue with him about it?"

"Umm no sir. I'd like to see my wedding day thank you."

"I thought the same thing, so Elise and I got together to choose a few venues. They all matched with our colors of purple, black and white. She says that your favorite flower is a Calla lily so that's the flower that we went with."

I look at the guys and say," So it's all up to me? You guys have no opinions on anything?"

Yoongi says, "We all put in ideas for the different venue packages."

Hobi says, "We also helped with the way the reception is going to look."

Joonie clears his throat and says, "We're working on our vows, and they are going to be very special."

"Taehyung says he's handling all wedding attire so all we have to do is pick the venue. Then we have an appointment later today with Taehyung to pick out your wedding dress.

I look at the guys again. I'm amazed at the effort they put in for our special day. I love these men more every day, and they keep showing me that I made the best choice of my life.

"Let me see the venues."

The first was a destination wedding at a secluded beach. All white sand and blue waters. I love the theme but I'm realistic. This wedding is going to be big between family and business guests, it's going to be a lot of hassle. I would much rather have all that white sand and blue water as a honeymoon destination. I set it to the side to discuss with the guys later.

I look at the last two, but I dismiss the chapel automatically because the garden theme caught my eyes. I had a great idea.

"Can we change the flower?"

Jimin laughs and says. "Of course."

"Great I want to do the ceremony in the garden surrounded by Clematis flowers. I love the idea of a huge tent with a dance floor so the night breeze can blow the scent of our flower through the air" I placed my hand over my flower mark and smiled.

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