Chapter 4

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I hear a buzzing sound bringing me out of my grogginess. My phone is ringing, and I reach out to get it, but strong arms tighten around me. I freeze for a moment then remember last night and the fantastic time we had. I didn't pick up the phone in time because it stopped buzzing. I roll over to look at the beautiful man that has his arms wrapped around me. Being enveloped in his warmness is intoxicating and I don't want to move.

As I lay there looking at him my phone starts to buzz again, I hear a slight growl come from him because he knows he needs to let me go so that I can answer it. I look at the caller ID and see that it's my best friend Elise.

"Hello?", I say while clearing my throat.

"Oh, so you are alive?", she says, slightly upset but joking.

"Yes, Elise I'm alive and I'm sorry I haven't called you. A lot has happened, and it honestly slipped my mind."

"So, what I'm hearing is even though we've been best friends since we were kids, I'm not important to you. You don't feel the need to tell me anything important that has happened to you recently?"

My mind automatically goes back to the fact that I have two soul mates and how I haven't spoken with her to let her know. Did she figure it out?

Just as I was about to explain myself, she says, "So you go see Park Jimin and you don't take your best friend? You see our angelic Jimin and have a date with a fine man and you don't need to tell me?"

Joonie picks that moment to say, "Baby tell her we're soulmates and come lay down."

"Is that him? BITCH I'M ON MY WAY!" she yells as she hangs up.

I set my phone down and rolled over to Joonie.

"Why babe?" I ask fake pouting.

"She needs to know, and I'd like to meet her before I go to work today. Are you trying to hide me?" he asks as he nibbles my ear.

"No, I'm not but the morning sex I had planned is canceled because my friend is on her way so you might want to get up and get dressed.", I say as I get out of the bed and make my way to the bathroom to prepare for the storm. Joonie had other ideas though as he walks up behind me and runs his hand between my legs and says, "Lets see how fast I can help you get ready."


I took a sip of my tea as I watched my best friend grill my lover. Well, one of my lovers. After what seems like forever, she finally gives him the thumbs up. He smiles and stands up to leave and I stand up as well so he can pull me in his arms and give me a goodbye kiss.

After he leaves, I sit next to her and tell her everything. I leave out the fact that Jimin is also one of my soul mates because I'm not too sure I want everyone to know just yet. It's not that I don't trust her but I need to speak with him about it first.

"I can't believe you found your soulmate", she says excitedly

"I can't believe it either, especially after the crap show that was my last relationship."

"Alana, I hope you're not going into this holding a grudge against Namjoon because of Chris."

"No, I'm not that stupid. Even if it only has been a few days I can see that he's nothing like Chris and that he would never treat me the same way. I have no doubts about him. It's like we're connected and we just know we're supposed to be together."

"Well, if you love it, so do I. Besides I can clearly see that he adores you. Just let me know if you see Jimin again. I want to meet him too."

I walk her to the door, and she hugs me goodbye. I sit on the sofa for a minute when I realize that I'm taking this all too well. I barely had time to get to know Joonie and then I found Jimin. Is this what I truly want? True, I just wanted someone to want me for me but I didn't expect it to be so soon. What they say is true, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. I have the option to say forget them both but honestly, I just don't want to. I feel so complete when I'm with Joonie and thinking of Jimin makes my heart race. If I set the lust aside I can say that I want them with me. Maybe this is beyond all of me and I don't care if it is. I'm going along with the ride.

Thinking of Jimin made me realize I didn't talk to Namjoon about seeing Jimin again. So, I take out my phone and shoot him a text.

Me: I see wings...

Joon: Where?

Me: On my hand LOL.... I miss him. Think I can see him today?

Joon: Eager aren't we?

Me: You like me eager, and you know it.

Joon: and begging...squirming.....and screaming

This man knows how to get me going.

Me: Maybe later... but seriously I want to see my Jiminie. *pouting*

Joon: Aww babe he wants to see you too. I've gotten plenty of texts that say so. He wants to talk to you.

Me: Send him my number already lol

Joon: I was waiting for the ok from you, love.

Me: You have it. Now get back to work. I'll handle his texts from now on. Love you.

As I sit my phone down. I realize that I will go back to work tomorrow. I need to mentally prepare for that because that's a whole day where Namjoon will be slightly out of reach. Will I be able to see him at work tomorrow? Will he come to find me? Do I want the office to know yet? Does he?

I don't get a chance to think about it because my phone starts ringing. I don't know the number.

"Hello?" I say cautiously.

"Good morning honey".

"JIMINIE!!!", I squeal loudly.

"Well, that's music to my ears to know you've been missing me," he says laughing lightly.

"Is that a bad thing?" I want to know.

"Not to me. It's just that we only found each other last night. Most people would want to take it slow." He says trying to get a feel for how I feel.

"Jimin, let's get something straight. I've decided that I wouldn't question what this is or how it was going. Life is too short. I'm going to be happy about this. I deserve happiness. So please do the same." I say being honest about my feelings.

"I can do that, but you should know I'm clingy as hell. Touch is my love language and I need to speak it often."

"I'm OK with that because I'm very fluent in many languages," I say smiling.

With us being open about our feelings it makes the conversation go smoother. After about 15 min we have to end the conversation because his staff came to tell him that he's needed elsewhere. We hang up after promising to text each other often while he's not in the city.

I can see that he's going to be a handful but a good one. I decided to go back to the book list I was working on yesterday. I'm going to spend the rest of the day working on my blog. I have a feeling I'm going to need to hire an assistant if I keep my accounting job. Between my full time job and my new soul mates I don't know how much time I will have for my blog. I guess I have some decisions I need to make about my future.

All For Me (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora